Aug 9, 2020

Go Fund Me set up for Eureka Civil Liberties Union

I have met Mr. Arlie Capps and spoken with him several times.

Mr. Capps is not a stranger to Humboldt. He has friends here. However, Mr. Capps first's experience with Humboldt Superior Court was when he was contacted by Tehama County residents opposing the placement of sexually violent predator Joshua Cooley.

That led to more connections in Humboldt and people contacting him about concerns regarding HACHR as well as environmental and quality issues by a segment of the homeless population. These concerns are being echoed all over Northern California.

This led to the formation of the Eureka Civil Liberties project. "It is the antithesis to the ACLU," said Mr. Capps. He is ECLU's counsel.

(Photo: John Chiv)

I covered every single hearing and development on Eureka Councilmember Kim Bergel's petition to get a restraining order against Loewenstein for his speech against her policies. Councilmember Bergel's petition was denied. I was the only one to interview Mr. Capps, Loewenstein's attorney, after Judge Kelly Neel's ruling.

Liv Baddeley, a friend of Cornelius Loewenstein and community member put this Go Fund me page together and sent me the link.

Friends of the ECLU also has a Facebook page.

Text from GoFund Me page:

"We The People, of Eureka California,  recently had a historic win in the Humboldt Superior Court. Councilwoman Kim Bergel, her cronies, and the rest of the city government received a necessary and long-overdue reality check when Bergel got admonished by the court for her hubris and fraudulent attempt to silence a former business owner and long-time political activist, Cornelius Loewenstein.

     It's time to fight back! We are calling on all patriots and freedom lovers of Humboldt County and beyond to support the cause of free speech. After City Council member Bergel’s attempt to bar a citizen from chastising her and attending and speaking at City Council meetings, and four lengthy months of litigation, free speech prevailed. Now is the time to bring this victory home and take it to the next level.

     The Eureka Civil Liberties Union, led by attorney Arlie Capps, will file a lawsuit to protect and defend Eureka citizens’ rights to communicate with—and even to admonish, chastise, and correct, when necessary—local politicians about political issues and public policy decisions. If necessary, ECLU will take this civil rights fight for Eureka’s citizens to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and, if needed, to the United States Supreme Court to defend our right to speak truth to the powers that are.

     That's where the Eureka Civil Liberties Union comes in. Mr. Capps and associates fight from outside the county for Humboldt county. This issue goes way beyond Eureka and what many of its citizens believe is its corrupt, complicit politician caste. This is a question of principles. Are we, the people of Eureka, actually members of a Constitutional Republic, and do we cherish and uphold the Constitution of the United States in Eureka, California?

     Speaking of ECLU’s first win against City Council’s Bergel on July 27th, Mr. Capps said, "Today is more than a victory for Cornelius Loewenstein. It is a victory for all citizens, for free speech and uncensored political discussion as protected by the United States Constitution and California Constitution." He continued, "From the beginning, this was a case about First Amendment rights and Political speech versus political hubris."  The First Amendment and civil liberties won.

     Now is the time to show our support for the First Amendment and our disdain for the failed policies and programs that have hurt Eureka as a whole. Families and businesses have been affected by the opioid epidemic. There is not a single public space that has not been taken over by the homeless crisis. Not one park, not one trail, not one alleyway that isn't potentially full of the kinetic bioweapons, the environmental catastrophe known as needle litter.

     We need to raise $10,000 for filing fees and the initial expenses of the law team preparing the case of Mrs. Liberty versus the corruption in The City of Eureka. Every penny helps, and this is a great way to show support for the battle for our town's future. 

     Thank you for your support in this worthy cause! 

Attorney Bio:
Arlie Geoffrey Capps
Law School: Brigham Young University
J Reuben Clark LS UT; UT 

Admitted to The State Bar of California #98045

 Arlie Capps has assisted in the producing of two Delta motion pictures, High Risk and Mad Mad Wagon Party. He has become a valuable part of the Delta Production Team. For over 20 years Arlie has represented Delta for legal representation for movie related contracts."

Mr. Capps added to his bio and it was sent to me on 8/11 by Baddeley.

"Mr. Capps started his legal career in California successfully representing litigants in mining cases and negotiating and drafting mineral leases. Over the years, he expanded his practice into both criminal and civil litigation, as well as real estate transactions and corporate law. Additionally, since 1992, Mr. Capps has specialized in public interest law relating to parent choice in public education. He has represented numerous charter schools, and for 25 years, has partnered with Innovative Education Management, Inc., a California non-profit headed by Randy Gaschler, an early parent-choice education pioneer. In 2019, Mr. Capps represented Tehama County citizens before the Humboldt County Superior Court in their successful opposition to sex offender Joshua Cooley’s placement in local residential neighborhoods. Mr. Capps is currently lead counsel for Eureka Civil Liberties Union [ECLU], a California non-profit corporation established to defend the civil liberties of California’s citizens."

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