Feb 15, 2019

My success is because of you and I am very grateful

Thank you to my readers, community members and businesses who follow my blog, this Facebook page and other social media.

Thank you to the many behind the scenes  loyal tipsters, who never want credit, just to get information out to the public. You are loyal to me and only me and that means a lot.

Thank you to the PIOS, the court staff , law enforcement who tirelessly work every day to provide information despite their own workload.

Thank you to my advertisers for supporting independent, grassroots, cutting edge reporting.

My success is because of all of you and I am very grateful.

You have shared my life's journey, my heartaches, my struggles and my sucesses. You have been here for me through unwarranted attacks, the harrassment, the bullying  for speaking the truth in this small town. You have been here for me despite the underhanded tactics I face to bring you the truth. You recognize the financial challenges of taking on corruption, bureaucracy and power in a small town.

Your emails, phone calls and words in person mean a lot. Thank you.

People know who I am. Many who didn't know me recognize me from my blog. Many share their deepest thoughts that never get printed. Your trust in me, your recognizing that I built this business from nothing, with nothing, is appreciated. Thank you.

Financial success is good but loyalty, trust and integrity means more and it cannot be bought; it is earned.  I am so grateful for every one in this community who faces so much but despite that give back in so many ways daily. You make this community the success it is every day.


  1. HI, I've only recently started following your blog but during what has been a very strange two years for my family I have attempted to elicit some assistance from the local press at several points in time. I have been battling the county over a subdivision adjacent to my property. I have been in pro per for most of the fight but do have an attorney at this time. I believe my case will be somewhat resolved soon and could be helpful for other applicants before the planning commission in the future. Longer story shortened: If I ever get to speak publicly regarding the countys' corruption regarding my case I hope you would take an interest. Sincerely, RJF Humboldt Superior Court Case#DR170187

    1. I will check out the case. Thanks for following my blog.

  2. John - Thanks for providing coverage on many Humboldt County Superior Court Cases and other news stories that are not seen on other local news sources!


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