Jul 5, 2024

Thank you Big Blue Cafe, unlike APD who should learn courtesy and professionalism from your response


I had done a post on Matthew Miller's arrest for rape of an intoxicated or unconscious victim. 

Linkedin profiles can have old information. So, I had reached out to APD. I never heard back from Arcata Police Department. Thankfully, I just got this email with contact information and verification from Big Blue Cafe.

"Hello, This is Michael over at the big blue cafe." He referenced my post on Miller as the reason for reaching out. "Just to inform you that he doesn’t work for us and hasn’t in a long time. Regards, Michael Martin-Kunkle."

When former APD Chief Brian Ahearn was here, I used to end up calling him because I would not hear back from APD and very specific people repeatedly. I used to hear from APD before but over the years of doing this blog, I know that people's reasons for ignoring has more to do with them and not my problem. If anyone who had a positive and professional relationship with me before and they change because I am doing my job which is independent reporting and definitely needed in Humboldt, that is not my concern. 

Merrit Perry, the new Arcata Mayor who used to work in Fortuna did not even respond to an email congratulating him.  Petty little man who like David Tyson and other sycophants who only climb the ladder because he is a lackey for Humboldt's cabal. The same names recirculated instead of allowing  growth.

Those who are petty and kowtow to the current wind of local politics, the local cabal and are selective in who they respond to are showing their immaturity and weakness. Dont expect courtesy and respect if you don't extend the same.

It isn't always a locals vs outsider issue. There are certain agencies who have local leaders and PIOS and they are professional like EPD, HCSO, HBF and they do this despite short staffing. When Rio Dell had Greg Allen as Chief, I heard back from him promptly. Now with Arcata Fire under Chief Chris Emmons, I have someone I know will be professional and prompt.

Bill Barnum once said to me "you don't tolerate fool." He is correct. 

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