Oct 4, 2018

"No one cares about him, this is just another case of gang violence"

(Joe Olivo III)

These two statements are from Jesus Garcia's cousin. She was 10 years old when Garcia was killed. She spoke of the bitterness, negativity and how his death affected her life.

"No one cares about him, this is just another case of gang violence"

"At the end this is just another case, a paycheck for the Judge and lawyers."

Sentencing for Joe Olivo III was scheduled this morning. Judge Christopher Wilson sentenced Olivo III to the 12 years for voluntary manslaughter.

Judge Wilson made his ruling after hearing from family members of Jesus Garcia as well as Joe Olivo III's mother and a former HCSO deputy Vanessa Vrtiak who worked with Olivo III at the local jail.

There were comments by Judge Wilson that the People could have sought additional enhancements. Both defendants had appeared in juvenile court before Judge Wilson.

There were statements from noth the attorneys on the probation report. References about howthe gang lifestyle affected both Jesus Garcia and Joe Olivo III were mentioned by Judge Wilsin, Olivo III's attorney, Ms. Andrea Sullivan as well as Garcia family members and Olivo III's mother.

"Both glorified a gang lifestyle, one which will result in a lengthy lifestyle for one," said Judge Wilson. "Both had potential."

Joe Olivo III was estranged from his father. Jesus Garcoa was killed after reconnecting with his father Joe Olivo Jr, a co-defendant in this case.

Olivo III "wanted his father's love." His mother said that she and Olivo III moved away to get away from the gang lifestyle.

On August 29, Joe Olivo III entered an open plea of 12 years for the amended charge of voluntary manslaughter and PC 12022 (b) 1 gang enhancement; personal use of a knife. Olivo III's entered an open plea. The maximum Olivo III could be sentenced to is 12 years. If he is sentenced to the maximum of 12 years, the breakdown of that sentence would be 11 for the voluntary manslaughter and 1 year for the gang enhancement.

Olivo III is represented by Ms. Andrea Sullivan. Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal prosecuted the case.

Lourdes Herrera spoke first. Victim witness representative held a photo of Garcia while she spoke. "My mother and I wrote to give Jesus a voice." Herrera spoke about "no remorse in the faces of the accused."

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