Oct 19, 2018

"Fuck you Jon Goldberg, excuse my language"

Gigi Morris, Tim Smith's sister had not spoken about losing Tim Smith before today. Gigi Morris sobbed as she spoke today. Her husband Jacob Morris stood by her offering support,just as he did at the jury trial.

Gigi Morris said she had so much to say and could not put her thoughts down in a letter. Even during the jury trial, she was the one very emotional, in tears and left the courtroom at one point during testimony.

"When I lost him, I lost a big part of my heart," said Gigi Morris. "My life is not okayand will never be. He was not only my brother, he was like a father to me.Fuck you Jon Goldberg; excuse my language."

Other family members and friends, including Tim Smith's domestic partner, Jessica Springer also spoke before sentencing.

The common theme was asking Judge Cribbs to give the maximum sentence by law. They kept referring to 15 years. This was after Judge Cribbs' tentative decision. Judge Cribbs explained 15 years is not the "bottom line" Goldberg would serve.

Many  letters of support had been submitted by Smith family members and friends which Judge Graham Cribbs had already read in a supplemental report.  Tim Smith's sons were not present at sentencing.

Goldberg's family and friends do not live in the area. Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo said due to some confusion about when sentencing could occur, they were not present yesterday.

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