May 10, 2018

The prosecution should have thought of that before charging the gang enhancement, defense calls out DA in Jesus Garcia homicide


(Olivo, Jr)

(Olivo III)

A hearing on two motions by defense  for two of the suspects charged with the death of Jesus Garcia was scheduled this morning.

As indicated at the last hearing for Joe Olivo III when his case was transferred back to criminal court, Ms. Sullivan filed a motion to continue so she could adequately prep for the trial. That motion was granted since there was no objection to the continuance.

Trial confirmation for tomorrow and jury trial scheduled for May 21 were vacated.

Ms. Anakalia "Andrea" Kaluna Sullivan is representing Joe Olivo III. Mr. George Marvis is representing Joe Olivo, Jr. Mr. David Celli is representing Mario Nunez.

The third suspect Joe Olivo,Jr. was in court. A special appearance was made via phone for his attorney.

The second motion was filed by Mr. David Celli for sanctions against the prosecution for failure to provide discovery. That included informing the defense about who the prosecutuon's designated gang expert will be. That motion was continued and will be heard on July 18 when setting of dates is scheduled in this case.

Judge Christopher Wilson agreed with Mr. Celli's response to Deputy District Attorney Luke Bernthal's response about why discovery regarding the gang expert had not been provided.

The prosecution should have thought of that before charging the gang enhancement was one point Mr. Celli mentioned. The second was that the investigation for this case has been going on for three and a half years.

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