Jul 29, 2024

Where is DA Stacey Eads?

Where  is Stacey Eads? I have had many people, including local attorneys and people who deal with the courthouse ask me. Some knew former DA Maggie Fleming is back in the office working on special projects which I reported on my blog. Some asked me, "why is she back? Can Stacy not do her job?" Others noted that even Ms. Fleming was on the 2nd floor but where is Stacey Eads?

I have yet to see Ms. Eads on the 2nd floor. Leaving your team and prosecutors to fend for themselves? Where is DA Investigator Steve Dunn? He isn't visible either after the Sam Williams case. The people elected Ms. Eads but are the Board of Supervisors who do have a say over department heads so negligent and arrogant that they allow complete unprofessionalism and mismanagement of the office. I am not going to go over the reasons why. My regular readers know. They talk to me, they read the posts and they are paying attention. 

Are Rexy and Bushnell covering for their buddies at the DA's office just like they do for Sheriff Billy Honsal?  Those two useless Supervisors funded by the  good ole boys and the Humboldtia cabal who supports them are the problem this county and hardworking, talented, competent people are constantly struggling. 

In private industry anywhere else, Stacey Eads would be fired for her disastrous performance. Only in Humboldtia, she can be MIA, earn PERS, get paid and her bosses not question her continued disaster of running the DA's office. After all, it isn't their money. They have the nerve to raise taxes when they have shown over and over again they are incapable of leadership and being stewards of the taxpayers' hard earned money.

Speaking of County leadership, Humboldt Deputy County Counsel Vince Uberti who appears on CWS cases is leaving and one reason is the abysmal health care in Humboldt.  That is one reason many private local employers have shared with me in retention of quality employees.

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