May 14, 2018

Ten children in Fairfield rescued from apalling living conditions

(Solano County Sheriff's Office)

According to a KCRA article, "An investigation into the children's living conditions revealed "a long and continuous history of severe physical and emotion abuse of the children," Fairfield police said."

"Police said abuse of the children involved puncture wounds, burns, bruising and being shot with a pellet or B.B. gun."

According to ABC news, "the children are 4 months to 12 years old. The home was messy with scuffed walls and animal feces in the bathroom. "

Jonathan Allen is in custody. His bail is 5.2 million bail, according to CBS; 1.5 million according to NBC. He is charged with nine counts of felony torture and six counts of felony child abuse.

Ina Rogers posted bail which was set at $10,000. She is charged with child neglect.

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