Dec 6, 2016

CHP stop led to shooting around Fifth street, officer shot maybe CHP

According to scanner traffic, initial stop that lead to crime scene was a CHP stop. Armed suspect fled to the area near Fifth and B.

Person shot and taken to hospital, maybe CHP officer, maybe suspect.

No official confirmation yet.


  1. My understanding is that no law enforcement were injured.

  2. Gregg, I saw that reported right now also on North Coast News. As I wrote above, maybe a CHP officer. I certainly hope that is true. I am waiting for the official report. Different media outlets have bits and pieces, no one has reported an official statement, yet.

  3. UPDATE, 6:08 p.m.: Capt. Steve Watson of the Eureka Police Department tells the Outpost that as far as he knows, no officers suffered any sort of injury this

    1. Gregg, they also posted this update on their Facebook page:

      UPDATE: No officers were injured in the shootout in downtown Eureka this evening -- or not seriously injured at least. More photos and reports from the scene.

  4. This is my blog, not an advertisement for LOCO. Gregg. I get my news directly from the source and those who prove to be reliable.

    Like I said, Chief Mills statement tonight and remember this happened when it was dark, it has all law enforcement, information will be forthcoming and ongoing.

  5. So what about the victim?Do they have a name? I'm sorry

  6. There is a press conference later today. When the police release the information, I will have a post.


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