Sep 19, 2017

"Colonialism is White Supremacy, Fuck Arkley" "Tuluwat cannot be bought", none of the obnoxious signs being by tribal members

"Trump is here"; "We have suffered long enough." The woman who spoke shortly after four just spoke in generalities.

Johanna Tenderfoot Johnson spoke after her read a letter from her daughter about Wiyot restoration of Tuluwat. That was more specific to the protest.

About 100 people as of 4:30 p.m., completely blocking the Security National entrance. There were less than half a dozen people straggling in after work.

"Arkley is a racist elitist" "Decolonize our land, Indian Island belongs to Wiyot." "Money cannot buy history." There was a sign with a baseball bat, dollar signs stating "Add Arkley's hand to those who killed Wiyot women and children."

None of the obnoxious Arkley signs were held by tribal members, at least while I was there. Even Allen McCloskey was holding the, "I stand with the Wiyot tribe" sign.

Some people honking in support.  Some driving by. Some people lit sage, there was chanting. People were on the sidewalk holding signs, occasionally waving to cars that honked as they drove by.

Allen McCloskey, Ryan Heather Huston, Allison Edrington, Verbena,Larry Glass  some of the familiar faces.

This protest organized by Johanna Tenderfoot Johnson outside the Security National offices on Fifth Street in Eureka from 4-7 p.m. was based on a LOCO spin article and subjective interpretation of the KINS Arkley interview.

Already got harassed on my way to the protest by usual shit stirrer Tina Sampay walking away from the protest". Saw me by myself so decided to jibe her usual BS. She walked off,  was not at the protest, could have been nearby.  Got glared at by a few people, including McCloskey. Of course, the usual anon,cowardly, personal attacks started immediately online.

Previous posts:

(Photos from the protest page. Anyone of these look like tribe members you know anon?"


  1. please enlighten us on how you KNOW the signs were not held by tribal members? You have all tribal members in Humboldt County memorized, or are you speculating based of your "knowledge" on how tribal members look?

    1. First of all, anon, unlike you I actually know people and in real life. I recognize many people afer living here for 16 years, not always by name. Your comment is nothing but the usual shit stirring, race biased, presumptive, misguided liberalism ( not actual liberalism), angry at the world BS. Don't preach to me when you cannot even use your name. You, anon, are the problem. Your mentality. Your intolerance. And you are the real racist because you cannot see beyond a person's skin color, ethnicity etc.

      Majority of the people at the protest when I was there were from the usual local left activist groups, there at every protest du jour.

    2. Is this woman a member of a tribe anon?

  2. off topic, but... I thought you might be interested in this

    1. Thanks for the link. More and more on a national level and local level, people are saying who the problem is; something many of us knew for a while.

  3. Its pretty obvious the sign carriers are paid lakies by the democratic party office(Huffman the loser). The poor endowment recipients were called to see if they want to make $30/hr like Soros pays for revolutionarism and public discent.
    So anon, I don't see you there? Feel left out because no one called you? Ha!!! John's right-you're just a big ugly troll toad.Ribbit ribbit.

  4. You're a racist who hates black people and natives. It couldn't be more obvious. And quit bashing anyone who uses anons because it seems to be okay with you when they agree. You can't handle dissent. Have a real debate someday and you'll get your ass handed to you.

    1. Anon, quite gutsy behind a screen aren't you? I have printed anon comments I disagree with. I don't print and won't print anon comments from the same trolls or new trolls like you that are only personal insults, assumptions about me and pissy rants from jerks like you who think you know it all and your view is right. Why do you read my blog? Why do you attack me? Because you are threatened by truth and success. Enough of the racist crap. Where were you when Elizabeth Smith was being raked over the coals in this town? You smart asses haven't taken a hundredth risk, personally or financially or dine zilch for this community. All you know is to protest, name call, accuse, attack and live off other's hard work and success. Debate is talking, listening and presenting an argument. You are capable of none of those with your closed, narrow, little mind. You fools waste enough of my time as is; unlike you I don't have time to waste.

  5. Does larry glASS still wear a chain attached to his wallet?



  6. John Chiv stands up to the libs and WE LOVE IT


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