Sep 8, 2017

Floyd Squires says City of Eureka did not give him notice about boarding building on Third & C

I briefly spoke to Floyd Squires. He said the City of Eureka did not give him notice about the building on Third and C.

Have contacted four city staff, including Brian Issa, for comment. Issa responded at 3:47 p.m. with one word, "No."
Press Release:
In response to numerous complaints from neighboring businesses, the City of Eureka has vacated and boarded 216, 218 and 220 Third Street owned by Floyd and Betty Squires.

The closure was necessary due to unsafe and unsanitary conditions which pose a significant and immediate threat to public health and safety.

A warrant for the closure was issued by the Superior Court on September 6th, 2017.

The hazardous conditions include numerous violations of the California Building Code and Health and Safety Code, as well as violations of the Fire Code and Eureka Municipal Code.

Conditions include large quantities of used hypodermic needles, feces, broken windows, hazardous wiring and plumbing, infestations of cockroaches and general dilapidation and improper maintenance.

The squalid condition of the property has led to it becoming a haven for drug dealers and addicts with EPD making multiple arrests recently for heroin and other drugs.

The City does not undertake these actions lightly and does so only after providing the Squires with every opportunity to remedy the violations voluntarily. The tenants of the buildings will be provided relocation funding by the City to assist in establishing suitable housing. The City will continue to utilize legal remedies to reduce or remove blighted properties throughout the community.


  1. on related subject, can you tell me if the construction company that tore down the Blue Heron was local and if not, was there a competitive bid process to do the work?

  2. Do you know how much relocation money was provided? I hope it was generous enough to help these poor souls who had to vacate with no notice.

    1. I don't and the City did not provide that information. The Budget Inn tenants were given $1,630.

  3. "Conditions include large quantities of used hypodermic needles, feces, broken windows, hazardous wiring and plumbing, infestations of cockroaches and general dilapidation and improper maintenance."

    Very vague.
    What is the "acceptable" level of hypodermic needles? How many were found? Were they in trash or were they scattered throughout haphazardly?
    Feces: A dog pooped a pile? A person didn't make it to the toilet in time? Everybody used the floor, furniture and walls? 100 dogs and 10 people had a poop party in the hallway?
    Broken Windows: How many windows were broken? How many windows total are there? 2 broken windows out of 37 non broken?
    Hazardous wiring: A light switch didn't work? The breakers were bad? Wires dangled from an overhead light system that was being replaced?
    Hazardous plumbing: A sink was clogged? A toilet? How many toilets out of how many toilets were not working properly? The pipes were corroded and need replacing?
    Infestation of cockroaches: That's why people eventually call pest control.
    General dilapidation: Buildings need a new coat of paint? Buildings need new porch stoops? Windowsills leaked? Typical old building repairs needed?
    Improper Maintenance: DIY learn as you go, not acceptable until "expert" can be hired?

    Vagueness is inappropriate.

    1. You know what's inappropriate? Having any of that at all within view in an apartment. If you want to defend squalor, you're invited to go rent from Squires himself at one of his other properties. Safety violations do have what constitutes such. It's called building, safety and sanitation codes. Go look them up. ~TMOB

    2. Perhaps anonymous should be given the opportunity to see exactly why these buildings were tore down. Those Rose Colored glasses must be working overtime. Junkies don't give a crap about crap, where they crap or anything else. I agree, you should spend even a weekend living in these environments and then come back and report to us if they are or are not DANGEROUS and UNSAFE! Ole Floyd and Betty (Betty Chinn too) have enabled this behavior for too long. Now this area is infested with sick people. Homeless junkies who have forgotten that they could live a regular life. Don't say they are all mentally ill either because that is another load of crap. Is the rehoming fee going to be given to a landlord or them. If it's just given to them, we all know where it's going to go, or if it is to a landlord, possibly even back to Floyd. He has a lot of dilapidated rooms still available. He could be getting a load of cash with this whole deal.

      A special note about Ms. Chinn. How much did she actually lose in her warehouse break in? A $40,000 GoFundMe site up the next day despite the fact that she got most of her stuff back and volunteers cleaned her warehouse. What exactly was the money for? This is a quote from the site, which actually only raised $7,180.00, "This account is created to not only replace as much as possible that was lost, but to lift the spirits and hope to the one person who deserves the (sic) word,Betty Chinn". She didn't need to replace that much. She was so upset that "they" could do this to her. I'm sure there were plenty of people who donated to replace as much as possible and LIFT THE SPIRITS. Well join the club Ms. Chinn. I think you are really not much better than the Squires in some ways.

      They have all made themselves quite a career off the backs of the "disadvantaged" in Humboldt. I'd love to see what kind of home Ms. Chinn and the Squires live in. Their combined behavior has encouraged people to stay in this area. They are so darn hospitable. They are making bank. Don't think they would do these things, rent these places, be the "hero of the homeless", if they weren't hearing the steady sound of a money counter.

      Another question I have. Once the properties are torn down, who owns the land? Is it still Floyd and Betty? Whoever it is, they stand make some serious money given the PRIME locations, or should I say soon to be prime locations. They just need few more "transient" caused fires and demolishing of slum lord buildings, and things will be booming again for old town.

      I personally suggest we reopen the Marsh. Those that really want out can be helped but the others... At least we would knew where the hell everyone was, many were perfectly happy down there and I, we, didn't have to live with the threats of aggressive street people every day. Oh and the public sidewalk toilets and sexual acts, trash, needles, etc. The whole closing of the Marsh certainly blew up in our faces, now didn't it.

      Think me heartless, I don't mind. To each their own. Open your eyes. Look where we are! This area is a flipping mess.

  4. To AnonymousSeptember 8, 2017 at 6:50 PM, I too was hoping for some photos. I didn't see anything scary.


    Hey John, did you see that the NCJ article quotes Greg Sparks as claiming that city attorney Cyndy Day-Wilson *did* approve of that statement with the sexual allegation against Floyd Squires?

    This is a big angle to pursue. How could she possibly believe that it was in her best legal judgment to let something like this happen? This could cost the city a lot both in money and reputation.

    1. Yeah, I saw it. I don't use information from other media sources, definitely not if it is NCJ or LOCO. I had already contacted City Manager Greg Sparks and City Attorney Cyndi Day Wilson, moments after the press release was issued. I am sure all of this will come out in due time and I am working on a few things. The more pressing question is what are the City's Councilmembers doing. They have made no comment on this issue.


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