Robin, it is County Counsel, not "county council" and the Board of Supervisors are the ones you should be calling out not as you say "County Council". If you expect to be taken seriously then learn to spell correctly including Rex's last name and take a civics lesson about who and what government agency is responsible for what in Humboldt County. Rex has been saying he won't run again for years and yet he goes for another term. The County of Humboldt posted on FB in December that Rex is the "longest serving current supervisor" with his fifth term.
I thought Rex knows it all? Who is going to take the mea culpa on January 6?
Failed Eureka City Council candidate Michelle Costantine hasn't met a local NIMBY cause du jour she won't use to ingratiate herself with the Humboldt self proclaimed "in crowd." Whatever effort she is involved with has "tanked so far". From Take Back Eureka to Citizens for a Better Eureka to Eureka Housing for All and Measure F.
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