Jan 8, 2025

I would like to thank Supervisor Bushnell and Ryan Burns for their grace

Yesterday, I briefly saw Humboldt County Board Chair and Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked her if I could meet with her in the future. 

I did the same last year with Fourth District Supervisor Natalie Arroyo. Both showed grace and leadership.

Today, I unexpectedly ran into Lost Coast Outpost's Ryan Burns who was walking into the courthouse to check on some cases. I had just walked out after covering some court cases and a hearing in this ongoing small claims case that Gregory Kreis has filed against me. Ryan inquired how I was doing and asked me about the hearing. I told him I could not talk while the case was ongoing but after this concludes, I would be glad to comment. I told him anything I filed is public record and he or anyone else is free to check out the file. I did tell him the hearing was continued to next week which is public information and available to anyone through the e court system or clerk's office. 

We talked about general media challenges right now, the First Amendment, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, the Washington Post cartoonist resigning. I told I would like 2025 to be a year where on issues of public interest, I would like to work on public interest news with other local media, especially him and North Coast Journal's Thad Greenson. Even if it means sharing news ideas they have time to work on and I don't because that is what is in the best interest of the community. I would have the time to do a lot more but those who read my blog regularly know what I have gone through and the additional challenges that have increased in the last few months.

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