Mar 5, 2020

Judge Cockrum gives convicted sex offender with multiple violations of parole and refusal to participate in treatment a slap on the wrist

Convicted sex offender Benjamin Johnston, who violated his parole four times; twice this year is being held on a no bail status. Unlike his January 2020 arrest, charges were finally filed against Johnston for his most recent arrest.

Johnston was arraigned on 3/2. Deputy District Attorney Jessica Acosta was present for the people at arraignment. Deputy Public Defender Casey Russo accepted the appointment on behalf of his ofgice and denied the felony parole revocation charge.

Johnston resolved his case today before his probable cause hearing scheduled today.  Johnston's parole agent Mr. Ashburn was at training but another parole agent, Mr. Berger was in court. Johnston is allegedly this sex offender's caregiver. I dont know if that is the "night job" that was mentioned in court.

Deputy District Attorney Steven Steward was present in court for the People today. Deputy Public Defender Wade Orbelian was in court with Johnston.

Before Johnston's case was called, Judge Kaleb Cockrum asked attorneys to approach. Then, on record, Mr. Orbelian said, "we have a possible resolution."

Judge Cockrum said based on the allegation for the February arrest, he is willing to sentence Johnston to 30 days or less. Johnston was sentenced to 30 days and given credit for 9 actual days and eight 4019 or "good conduct" credits".

Mr. Steward said Johnston failed to attend and participate in sex offender treatment program.
Johnston showed up late at his last class for sex offender treatment program and was "disruptive" affecting the class and others attending.

"This is his fourth parole violation and 8th failure to participate in the sex offender treatment program." Every time Johnston misses a class, it costs the taxpayers, said Mr. Steward.

After Mr. Steward's remarks, Judge Cockrum said, "I dont see this as a 180 day sentence. Despite the conviction, multiple violations of parole and refusal to participate in the program since 2014, Judge Cockrum said he was only sentencing Johnston on the February 2020 violation. If this went to a parole hearing, "it is possible we could have wilful issues."

Mr. Steward has access to Johnston's rap sheet and more information than I do. Until court today, the information I had via court records and recent jail booking logs showed three parole violations and so previous posts list three VOPs.

There was no court case filed in January 2020 and he was released from custody after five days in jail.  In the 2019  felony revocation case, he was sentenced to 135  days in jail with credits for 20 days. 10 were actual custody credits and 10 days were 4019 credits.

I am familiar with Johnston because he hangs out with another convicted sex offender who lives in my apartment complex. Both were convicted of the same charge and in the same year. The guy who lives in my apartment complex claims Johnston is his caregiver. I don't know if that is the "night job" he is referring to but if smoking weed and listening to loud music on his cell phone while hanging out with another convicted PC 288 convicted sex offender is a "job", maybe someone who follows the law should have that job. This is an apartment complex where children are around. Johnston had the same, "I dont give a shit attitude" in court he usually does.

The fact that California's lax laws allow perverts to be near children, be employed, get state benefits is not Judge Cockrum's fault but he just gave Johnston the message it is okay to keep violating parole with no real consequences. Eureka apartments are rampant with sex offenders and this is about more than just Johnston.

The State Parole PIO has been very uncooperative about releasing information on Johnston and his two VOPs from 2020. The Eureka parole agents have to refer all requests for information to the State PIO.

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