Mar 12, 2020

Clayton Lasinski case expected to resolve in two weeks

Pre-trial was scheduled for assault suspect Clayton Lasinski on March 12. Lasinski is charged with 16 counts. Jury trial is scheduled for June 1.

The hearing was continued to March 23 when Deputy District Attorney Trent Timm is back in the office. The People already have a plea form.

At the last hearing, defense proposed "11 years on the bus" to resolve the case. The defense offer is 9 years for PC 245 (b), one year consecutive for PC 245 (a), 1 year for PC 417 (a). Time for PC 664 and PC 69 would be served concurrently.

Mr. Timm is the prosecutor for the case. Deputy DA Jane Mackie has been assisting with the case. Deputy DA Roger Rees appeared in court today for the People.

Deputy Conflict Counsel R.J.  Leohner is Lasinski's attorney.

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