Sep 7, 2017

Motion to continue did not work so defense files other motions while Kade Chandler's victims await justice since 2015

Trial confirmation was scheduled this morning for Kade Chandler. Jury trial is scheduled for October 16. Time estimate is 4-6 weeks.

Dates were confirmed but the defense has filed a 995 motion, which is a motion to dismiss charges and a 1538.5 motion to supress. Arguments and ruling for this motion is scheduled for September 20.

The original incident occurred in February 2015 on Hwy 36. Chandler was 20 years old at that time. It resulted in the death of Savannah Kindred and Kendra Lewis and injury to Bradley Theumler.

Chandler is charged with Count 1 gross vehicular manslaughter. Count 2 gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and special allegation of great bodily injury.

Previous post:


  1. I appreciate your updates on these stories that have seemed lost by all other news sites.

  2. Agreed!!! Thank you!

  3. This last ditch effort to take no responsibility for his action yet again is disheartening. His victims paid the ultimate price for getting into a vehicle with a very impaired driver, wouldn't you say it's TIME for Kade to man up and allow these families to have some peace by being able to put this process of the court system behind them. It's been over 2 and a half years since these families have seen, hugged, laughed with, cried with Kendra and Savannah. Quit thinking about yourself Kade and think about what these families are forced to go through with all of your postponements. Man the hell up and accept what you did. Had you did the right thing from the beginning you would already have 2 years of your time done. My belief is that these last two years have been torture knowing the inevitable is coming (although your lifestyle didn't change like it should have) with all the Facebook posting you proudly posted until your attorney told you to take them down.

  4. John, did you get a chance to sit in on the ruling for this motion on Sept 20th??


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