Mar 2, 2020

Insulting comments with no facts to counter are a sure sign that the truth hurts

This is in response to the latest post on Kim Bergel and Cornelius Lowenstein.

Eric Bergel still carring that grudge from 2014 about the factual article on your bankruptcy? You really have a problem when you cannot bully and get your way.


  1. To be fair, the story is a dumb story - it is hard to see it as anything but a waste of resources, and the temptation to say stuff like "Why can't these people act like adults" is strong. That said, your coverage isn't dumb, it's not your fault these people are acting like children. You are just giving us the facts.

    1. Thank you Doug. I do agree that the request for a restraining order is the "dumb story" and all because a public figure doesnt get the difference between free speech and the criteria for granting a civil harassment order. It may seem like a dumb story to some but it is the reality of standing up and speaking the truth in Humboldt. Unlike you, Eric thinks my coverage is dumb because it is not slanted towards his wife.

      Reporting on the request for restraining is a waste of time and a waste of court resources because so far, the Bergels have not provided any evidence that the request for a restraining order meets criteria and their childish antics drag out court proceedings. They made no effort to mediate this with Cornelius prior to the order and even now are making excuses when Judge Neel is giving both parties a chance to work this out.

      The coverage is necessary because certain local media and many who personally support and agree with Kim Bergel's politics have either not been in court at all or not attended all hearings. So they dont have both sides and evidence presented in court. Facts, not Kim Bergel's spin after court proceedings.

      It is not a story for Cornelius and many others whose lives and businesses have been affected in a small town with bullies using small town dynamics, entrenched systems, their generational privileges and social media harassment. Being targeted financially, having your life put on hold to deal with drama created by a public figure who will not take responsibility for her policies or talk to all her constituents is reality.

      It is the same in Mendocino or Del Norte or any rural small town but the Emerald Triangle and the isolation makes it harder. The post and truth makes sense to those who are living through hell and have lived for years. It is not something some casual observer can understand.


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