Aug 14, 2017

This is the Humboldt I love and it is the many amazing people who live here that make the challenges worthwhile

Humboldt has the best weather, clean air, great beaches, breath taking beauty. Coastal California is beautiful.

It's time we make it safe and affordable to live here for every one.


  1. more affordable?!?!this place is so cheap to live in compared to a large city. I am amazed at how much people complain about how much it costs to live here. But jesus, the amount of people on welfare here is astounding.

  2. too bad commie libs want to mess this place up

    1. Anon, they mess it up for moderate Democrats too, just as they have on a national level. Locally, though the conservatives need to start speaking up and supporting issues that benefit the entire community and not be partisan. The minority of liberals and those media that promote their cause exist because they are financially supported. Where are the jobs promised, why are we not allowing the younger generation to be elected. Same ole same ole people in charge, gets same ole same ole results.


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