Mar 3, 2020

140 years to life for man for the murders of his father and friend and attempted murder of a CHP officer

Today,  the day before his jury trial was scheduled to start, Alan Leroy Ashmore entered a pleaded no contest to first-degree murder for killing his father, Douglas Ashmore, his friend Richard Braden and attempted first-degree murder of CHP Officer Steven Patrick. Ashmore also admitted to the personal discharge of a firearm that resulted in death and great bodily injury.

The negotiated plea is for sentence of 140 years to life in prison. 18 counts were dismissed with a Harvey reservation and Ashmore withdrew his additional plea of not guilty by insanity.

The prosecutor for the case is Lake County District Attorney Susan Krones. Ashmore was represented by Ms. Andrea Sullivan who has the contract for public defender clients in Lake County.

Ms. Sullivan said this plea deal will theoretically allow him to be paroled after 25 years because he is an elderly offender. If Ashmore had  gone to trial and lost, he would’ve been sentenced to life without possibility of parole.

Sentencing is on April 14.


  1. Ashmore just turned 64 in February, so he will be 87 at least by the time he's eligible for parole (he's been in custody since October '17).


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