Sep 15, 2024

Checking with EPD to see if this call or arrest is related to EPD investigation in the early hours of this morning

Yesterday, around 11:40 p.m. Eureka Police Department responded to an assault and battery call at the 800 block of Pine Street.

Most arrests from today will be on tomorrow's jail log report. Since EPD is investigating an alleged incident that occurred last night to early a.m., best to wait for some initial information or a press release. 

22 year old LoriAnn Michelle Sanderson is the only arrest from today on the 9/15/24 jail log. EPD made this arret at 2:09 a.m. for VC 23152 (a) DUI, VC 23152(b) blood alcohol content over the legal limit and VC 14601(a) driving with a suspended license. Since Sanderson was released on O.R. I doubt it.

I just contacted EPD PIO Laura Montagna to see if she is able to release any information or confirm if the 11:40 call or Sanderson's arrest is related to this investigation.

Sep 14, 2024

The corporate records thus contravene Russel Nylander's claim- offered under penalty of perjury-that he did not know and was never informed that he was a shareholder."


Since my August 16 coverage of the court hearing in Redwood Meat lawsuit, there was a declaration filed on 8/30 by Ms. Heather Burke of Harland Law Firm who represents Ryan and John Nylander. Mr. Dustin Owens represents Redwood Meat Co., Inc. Ms. Cyndy Day- Wilson is Stephanie, Rachel and Russel Nylander's attorney.

In this declaration Ms. Burke refers to a binder of documents for Redwood Meat Co. From #5: "The corporate records thus contravene Russel Nylander's claim- offered under penalty of perjury-that he did not know and was never informed that he was a shareholder."

Point 7 states that Russell and Rachel Flores (nee Nylander) were present at various annual shareholder meetings.

The preliminary injunction hearing was continued to 9/18. There is a case management conference scheduled for 11/15.

Newsom vetoes two bills; prospective IHSS providers will have to pay DOJ fees for a criminal background check; the other is about Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Postponement Fund


California Governor signed AB 3130 by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) – County board of supervisors: disclosure.

California Governor Newsom vetoed the following bills:

AB 2564 by Assemblymember Tasha Boerner (D-Encinitas) – Property tax postponement: Senior Citizens and Disabled Citizens Property Tax Postponement Fund. 

AB 2704 by Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Los Angeles) – In-home supportive services: criminal background check

This information is from a press release issued today by Newsom's press office.

"This bill would require a member of the board of supervisors to disclose a known family relationship with an officer or employee of a nonprofit entity before the board of supervisors appropriates money to that nonprofit entity."


Today, California Governor Newsom signed AB 3130 by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton) – County board of supervisors: disclosure.

Redwood Acres demurrer overruled in lawsuit filed by St. Bernard parishioner, State of CA demands jury trial


In March 2024, I reported on a lawsuit filed by St. Bernard parishioner Josephine Silva against Redwood Acres. There were three complaints filed; the latest was the second amended complaint on 2/16/24. 

Silva is represented by the Zwerdling Law Firm. The defendant GMBE, LLC by Mr. Jeffrey Kramer.

The lawsuit alleges,"On June 22, 2023, Silva was walking on the pavement at the Redwood Acres Fairgrounds" during the "2023 Fair" event. Silva was struck behind from "The Choo Choo Train"  causing her to "strike her head on the pavement" with "The Choo Choo Train" coming to rest on top of plaintiff's legs. Silva is a petite elderly woman.

On 9/20, there is a Case Management Conference scheduled. Assistant Presiding Judge Timothy Canning 's 8/26 ruling was filed in e court on 8/28. Defendant Redwood Acres demurrer was overruled. An answer to the second amended complaint and demand for jury trial submitted by CA Attorney General's office on 9/4 was filed on 9/5.

Michael Black found competent to stand trial, criminal proceedings reinstated for 4 cases


On 9/10 criminal proceedings were reinstated for Michael Black in 4 cases after he was found competent to stand trial. His next court date is 9/20. More details and future court dates posted below including court minutes.

Black has been arrested many times; multiple times in a year and I have been covering him for years. Most of my regular readers and those interested in Black follow my coverage regularly. I  have included all my previous posts on Black including those with details on the cases listed below. New readers and recent followers can access those posts to get caught up.

Sep 13, 2024

"The FPPC and I are in active negotiations. To maintain the good-faith tone of those negotiations, I am not making public comments at this time."


There are two items on next week's FPPC meeting of local interest in the pre notice portion of the agenda.

I reached out to former Humboldt County Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez. "The FPPC and I are in active negotiations. To maintain the good-faith tone of those negotiations, I am not making public comments at this time."

The agenda does not have the particulars of Ms. Paz Dominguez' case and there may be be no action taken at the meeting next week. I will contact the FPPC but there is no rush and no point until there is information that can be released and a decision.

Most of my regular readers saw this April 2024 post about Gregory Kreis. It includes information about  two anonymous complaints, one in 2018 and one in 2024. Both were rejected.

I was the first one to report that First District Supervisor Rex Bohn had not filed Form 501 before raising any funds.

Read both previous posts for full details.

Stipulation for extension of time so lawyers can file opening brief in appeal in the lawsuit against Humboldt County Public Defender's office


Former Humboldt County Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin settled with defendant Gregory Kreis. In February 2024, Mendocino Judge Moorman denied Kalin's motion for new trial for co-defenants Humboldt Public Defender Luke Brownfield and former Humboldt Public Defender Marek Reavis. There were other rulings in that lawsuit Kalin and I have linked some of the posts of my extensive coverage on this case.

Nothing significant has been happening due to errors. Today, there was stipulation for extension of time for Kalin's apellate lawyer to file an opening brief which is due on 12/02/2024.

I have often mentioned long before it was corroborated by the Commission on Judicial Performance that Brownfield and Kreis are friends. Most of my readers are familiar with the CJP proceedings and decision and have read my coverage of the Kalin lawsuit and Kreis. What I covered in real time was a part of the CJP proceedings. 

"The Court finds the attempted punch initiated by Rogelio Gomez Jr toward Mr. Trout constitutes as unlawful violence", restraining order granted against Roy Gomez


On August 13, I did a very detailed post on lawsuits involving Roy Gomez, his attorney Bradley Johnson and Jessica Gomez having a Security National email address. This post is a update on those cases with Commissioner Sarah Kaber's ruling. You should read the 4 page no nonsense and correct ruling I have posted by Commissioner Kaber on the four restraining order cases. A summary would not do justice. It is always nice to have a judicial officer's ruling validate my assessment of a case and my observations and opinions based on facts and knowledge of parties involved.

The Gomez' lose again. Dismissal of cases, settlements in cases and now attorney fees Roy Gomez has to pay Brian Trout.

20 year old with 5 prior convictions, two EPD arrests this year fails to appear in court after posting bond


When I reported on 20 year old Henry Zaragoza August 9 by EPD for felony DUI and driving with a suspended license, I had included his 5 prior convictions. 

The Humboldt County DA has still not filed charges for the August 9 arrest but after my post, they filed a 6th case in 2024 charging Zaragoza with PC 29180 (b) (2), illegal manufacture of firearm for a May  5 2024 incident. Arraignment in that case was scheduled for 9/12. Zaragoza had posted bond.

It was referred to DA for affadavit. There wasn't even a court reporter available, the proceeding was being recorded.

This is the third case I will now be following up for this reason. The DA's office has done nothing in the Blaine OShaughnessy or Samuel Eannarino case so I won't be holding my breath in this case either. If Zaragoza gets treated differently than the other two, then read my prior posts and it is injustice Humboldt style depending on who you are and your connections.

Sep 12, 2024

Eureka Housing for All appeal dismissed in lawsuit filed against City of Eureka



Munson et al. v. City of Eureka et al.

Case: A170018, 1st District, Division 2

Disposition date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2024-09-12

Disposition description: Dismissed per rule 8.140(b)

Disposition status as of 2024-09-12: Final


The appeal filed on March 18, 2024, is dismissed because appellant failed to procure the record on appeal within the time allowed or within any extensions of time. Appellant also failed to apply for relief from default after issuance of the default notice on July 31, 2024. (See Cal. Rules of Court, rule 8.140(b)(1).)

This is the appeal filed by Eureka Housing for All against City of Eureka on 3/18/24 in California's First Apellate District.

Humboldt e court has the incorrect filing date listed as 3/20/24 in this case.

There is another appeal filed by Citizens for a Better Eureka that I have been updating and checking on but nothing noteworthy has been happening. I added the stipulation in previous coverage.

I have said this on my blog and directly to a member of the Arkley family. Bradley Johnson sucks as a lawyer. He did make one smart decision which is to make money  off the EHA, CBE, Security National and sycophant crowd who want to own the libs and the City of Eureka and have no clue about the law. They will deflect and pout instead of admitting that the lawsuits were a waste of time. 

Sep 11, 2024

BOS October 8th meeting will close in Hollie Klingel's memory


(screenshot of Hollie speaking from a post I did on Nov 7, 2023)

Today, I sadly learned that my dear friend, Human Rights Commissioner and longtime local activist Hollie Klingel passed away. This from a source I am very grateful to because reading it in an obituary would be more painful.

"I know you knew and liked Hollie Klingel. I wanted to pass on that I learned today that she died of an infection recently. That is all I know, but the person heard it from her daughter."

Thanks to Fourth District Supervisor Arroyo, I want to share this information with all who knew Hollie. 

"We will be closing our October 8th meeting in her memory. I will also be memorializing her in my own way. A real firebrand and someone who always spoke her mind!" I agree Supervisor Arroyo.

I knew Hollie for years. 

Elks Lodge temporarily shutdown after continued Shigella exposures


(These are the most recent posts on Eureka Elks Lodge Facebook)

This is a follow up to earlier information from Humboldt County Public Health on September 4. Today, there was an updated press release from Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Environmental Health officials.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Breyer responds to a question by former Humboldt Deputy DA Allan Dollison on Supreme Court, presidential immunity and the Constitution

Last night, Supreme Court, presidential immunity and the Constitution came up in the first 2024 Presidential debate.

Yet another delay in murder suspect Anthony Hamilton's case, 8 years since Jennika Suazo was found deceased on P street


Yet, another delay in the 2021 case for murder suspect Anthony Hamilton. First, those who lost Jennika Suazo had to wait for Hamilton to be arrested; now the 9/12 date was vacated because Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees is unavailable. 

On 9/9, the there was no objection by Deputy Conflict Counsel R.J. Leohner to the People's motion to continue. Judge Steven Steward granted the motion and the preliminary hearing was rescheduled for 10/10. I have been regularly reporting on this case.

Hamilton was not arrested until 2021. I reported live from the scene in 2016 and in my exclusive coverage, in one of those early posts, I reported that Hamilton was the suspect and other exclusive details not reported by any other media. This was 5 years before EPD released an update. Since there are many new readers and followers and it is now 8 years after Suazo was discovered deceased on P street, I have included the entire text of that post.

Sep 10, 2024

Paskenta Mad River Brewery announces official partnership with the Sacramento Kings for the 2024-25 NBA season


"Celebrating our 35th year brewing award-winning craft ales, Paskenta Mad River Brewery is pleased to announce an official partnership with the Sacramento Kings for the 2024-25 NBA season!

This partnership marks history in our endeavor to transform craft beer and sports, painting a brighter future for Tribally owned craft beer and more.

This moment of Indigenous recognition and opportunity is truly a triumph to be celebrated."

Just got this news from Jessica Carenco, Marketing  Manager for Paskenta Mad River Brewery.

Matthew Miller charged in July case, no charges yet for June arrest


Matthew Russell Miller was arrested on 6/18 by Arcata Police Department for PC 261(a)(3) rape of an intoxicated or  unconscious victim. He posted bond. 

Miller was arrested again on July 8 by HCSO for PC 245(a)(1) assault with a deadly weapon and PC 417(a)(1) brandishing a weapon or firearm.

He has a 2016 conviction in a DUI case and a 2019 conviction in an assault and battery case.

I have been checking to see if charges were filed. No charges filed for June arrest. Finally on 8/30, DA filed charges for July arrest. Arraignment is on 9/26. Alleged victim is Jesse Torrance. Miller is charged with two felonies and one misdemeanor.

Kidnapping case dismissed by the DA


Kidnapping suspect Bao Her was granted diversion on 8/31/23. Her case was dismissed yesterday by the DA for successful completion of the pretrial diversion treatment program.

Deputy District Attorney is the prosecutor for this case but today Deputy DA Andrew Truitt appeared on the case for the People. Deputy Public Defender Wade Orbelian is Her's attorney.

Second lawsuit I have covered against the County involving allegations of sexual abuse of minors; this one involves the foster care system


This lawsuit first appeared on the County agenda in 2022.

Yesterday, there was a case management conference in O.B. vs County of Humboldt. There is also plaintiff A.K. and Doe 1. There is a cross complaint filed by County of Humboldt.

The complaint filed by O.B. alleges negligence on part of the County with claims that O.B. was sexually abused and assaulted as a minor in the foster care system. There is more than one alleged victim. O.B.'s alleged perpetrator was the foster parents' biological.son.

I worked for CWS many years ago and the allegations do not surprise me. Nor does the alleged lack of response or action from the County.

Attorneys for the parties are in the screenshot posted above. 

This is the second lawsuit I have covered which involves alleged sexual abuse of a minor and the County being sued.

Court minutes from 9/9 are not up yet. There is a future court date of 1/6/25. Excerpts from the complaint for O.B. lawsuit posted below. This is a civil lawsuit and this is a court filing. 

Sep 9, 2024

Joshua Buchanan driving a Redwood Plumbing and Drain Cleaning van arrested for Sept 4 pursuit I reported last week


On September 4, I did a post about four Four HCSO vehicles with lights and sirens headed towards Eureka. I contacted HCSO PIO Meghan Ruiz. Today, I heard from her. 

"These vehicles were likely en route to respond to a pursuit that occurred on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Joshua Buchanan,  age 37 of Eureka, was driving a van marked as a Redwood Plumbing and Drain Cleaning vehicle when he made multiple traffic violations, endangered other drivers on the road, and failed to comply with law enforcement. HCSO, CHP, and EPD ultimately stopped Buchanan and performed an evaluation on him, deeming him to be under the influence of a controlled substance. Buchanan was arrested and the vehicle was towed.

Buchanan was booked at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility on Sept. 4 around 3:30 p.m. for evading a police officer (VC2800.2). He posted bond.

30 cases come up in a search for his name in e court. 

FBI enforcement activity on Buhne Street and Severt Lane in Eureka unrelated to FBI presence in Arcata last Friday


People in the County, including those with other law enforcement agencies were surprised to hear that the FBI was in Arcata yesterday. I have emailed the FBI as well as HCSO and EPD to see if they were notified.

Heard back a few minutes ago from FBI San Francisco Media Coordinator Cameron Polan.

"Hi John,

The FBI conducted court-authorized law enforcement activity on 9/6 at the following locations:

1100 block Buhne St., Eureka 

3100 block Severt Ln., Eureka 

These actions were not related to court-authorized law enforcement activity on 9/6 on the 800 block 11th St. In Arcata."

On 9/10, HCSO PIO Meghan Ruiz confirmed "that the sheriff was indeed notified of FBI activity last week."

EPD PIO Laura Montagna told me, "We provided one EPD uniformed officer to stand by on this incident. We had no knowledge of the operation."

Sep 7, 2024

County agenda item confirms my reports of Gabrielle Long reopening the cafe in the Courthouse


It will be approved. The location on 5th and I pictured above is closed. That particular location is being advertised for sale. Already another local coffee shop owner is interested in looking at it as a second location.

The Courthouse is also on 5th and I but on the other side. Gabrielle Long confirmed for me "the punch cards will be transferrable and the business is still ‘the Grind cafe’."

Sep 5, 2024

Elizabeth Adams of Uniquely Yours Catering and Bedliners Plus owner pass the baton to new owners


Positive news is rare. Five days ago, I did an exclusive and scoop on Zephyr Hospitality and Nicole Fryer acquiring Humboldt Bay Social Club and Social Spas. On August 6, another scoop about CCCU's Jim Sessa retiring and Fred Moore taking over as CCCU CEO in September. 

Many in the business community already know this news informally. I spoke with an owner of a very popular local business owner and had hinted that there would be a retirement and passing of the baton soon. Although 2025 was discussed, I have followed up and will update to the post if plans have been finalized. 


That made me think of when I ran into another business owner who is respected and well liked;  Elizabeth Adams. She is the former owner of Hurricane Kate's and she told me she was retiring. The business will be taken over by a current employee.

Bedliner Plus owner is retiring and the business will be run by his daughter Becca.

Driver of Toyota Tundra deceased after collision on US-101 south of Laytonville


On 09/04/2024 at approximately 2026 hours, the driver of a 2003 Toyota Tundra was driving S/B on US-101, north of Shamrock Ranch; traveling through a right-hand curve in the roadway.  

Sep 4, 2024

Two days before a settlement conference, another filing by Brenda Elvine's lawyer on request for attorney fees, costs and sanctions against Kreis

There is a judicial settlement conference scheduled for 9/6 in Gregory Kreis' family law case. Most of you read my blog daily and regularly. I just did a post last week. Since then, there was another filing entered by Brenda Elvine's attorney, Mr. David Lederman today. There is a received August 26 stamp on one of the exhibits. 

On 10/25/24 there is hearing on request for attorney's fees, costs and sanctions . You can read the court document. The exhibits are documents which many of you have already read on the Commission on Judicial website or through coverage so I have only included excerpts.

I checked several times since the August 25 post including this afternoon and Kreis has not filed any response to the last filing. If he did, it is not in e court, yet. I checked again on 9/5 and took this screenshot late morning. No change from yesterday.

On 9/9, the only update to the screenshot is that on 1/25/25, there is a status conference-update on settlement. No court minutes from 9/6.

Humboldt County Health warns community who attended Elks dinner last week about possible Shigella exposure

Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services Public and Environmental Health officials are advising community residents who attended a dinner at the Elks Lodge in Eureka on Wednesday, Aug. 28, that they may have been exposed to Shigella. Attendees experiencing gastrointestinal (GI) issues should contact their primary care provider, as well as take steps not to spread the highly contagious infection. 

Four HCSO vehicles with lights and sirens headed towards Eureka

Two minute ago three HCSO vehicles with lights and sirens sped down towards Eureka, followed by this vehicle and then a fourth HCSO vehicle. Contacted HCSO.

2:03 Humboldt Bay Fire passed me just now. Not sure if related.

After being arrested for attempted robbery, Joshua Flowers is banned from Cal Poly Humboldt for 7 days

On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at approximately 7:32 a.m., it was reported to the University Police Department that an unknown male subject attempted to forcibly take a backpack from a Cal Poly Humboldt employee while they were walking through the Jolly Giant Commons (JGC) parking lot. The victim was able to summon for assistance as the male subject fled the area. The reporting party provided an excellent description of the suspect, which enabled officers to swiftly take action.

Sep 3, 2024

Trent Zelanick wants to pray before meetings, Kenny Carswell spoke during public comment


It has been a while since I have covered a Eureka City Council meeting in person. A lot happening this evening. I am posting live. 

I have been regularly checking and reporting on the lawsuits filed by Citizens for a Better Eureka and Eureka Housing for all,including any appeals. There are too many posts to link and there are other related posts. I checked on the litigation under closed session but also all the CBE and EHA lawsuits. A receiver has been apointed in the City of Eureka vs Nancy Baker lawsuit. It involves the property on 1750 I street. 

You can read updates including court documents filed since my last post on CBE and EHA lawsuits.