Sep 3, 2024

Trent Zelanick wants to pray before meetings, Kenny Carswell spoke during public comment


It has been a while since I have covered a Eureka City Council meeting in person. A lot happening this evening. I am posting live. 

I have been regularly checking and reporting on the lawsuits filed by Citizens for a Better Eureka and Eureka Housing for all,including any appeals. There are too many posts to link and there are other related posts. I checked on the litigation under closed session but also all the CBE and EHA lawsuits. A receiver has been apointed in the City of Eureka vs Nancy Baker lawsuit. It involves the property on 1750 I street. 

You can read updates including court documents filed since my last post on CBE and EHA lawsuits.

Status Conference on 12/2/24 in CV2201830 City of Eureka vs Nancy Baker. 

CV2300565 Citzens for a Better Eureka

No future dates after withdrawl of preliminary injunction

CV2300712 Citizens for a Better Eureka

After Wiyot motion by the Wiyot tribe to dismiss was granted on 3/14 by Retired Judge John Feeney, a civil appeal was filed. Filings from 6/18/24 & 8/20/24 which were recently entered have been added to this post.

6/18 filing:

8/16 filing:

CV2301562 Citizens for a Better Eureka v City of Eureka

No dates since withdrawl of preliminary injunction.

CV2301563 Citizens for a Better Eureka v City of Eureka

No future dates since withdrawl of preliminary in

CV2301627 Eureka Housing for All vs City of Eureka

Demurrer sustained without leave to amend. An appeal was filed.  Since my last post a stipulation was filed on 6/13/24

I have added more court documents to my last post on Roy Gomez' lawsuits.  Just like the CBE and EHA lawsuits, Bradley Johnson, the attorney in all these cases likes to file paperwork and then file a withdrawl. Must be nice to have disposable income and time to waste. The amount of money wasted could have drastically reduced housing and crime and fund economic opportunities.

No report out of closed session.

Councilmember Leslie Castellano is absent. 

Eureka Police Department Chief Brian Stephens and EPD Commander Leonard LaFrance are here. 17 people in the audience in addition to City of Eureka staff.

Eureka Mayor Kim Bergel reminded people that while we are in the middle of an election; we are a community and most of the time we work well together. She spoke that even though people disagree, that is important to be respectful.

6:12 Mayor Bergel thanked former Humboldt Bay Fire Chief Sean Robertson and then introduced Humboldt Bay Interim Chief Tim Citro. Applause from audience.

6:22  North Coast Ministries' Trent Zelanick is speaking. He thanked Council and said he would pray for them. Zelanick "committed" that he will be present before Eureka City Council meetings at  5:30 and he will pray with anyone and asked where the appropriate place may be. Read Daniel 2:20 and First Corinthians. Zelanick said he is leaving scriptures with contact information. I previously reported on a current lawsuit involving him. There are always ongoing developments in lawsuits and this one is no exception.

Zelanick passed by me at 6:26 and left after saying his piece. Only a couple people clapped after he spoke.

6:34 Security National's Kenny Carswell and Ward 2 candidate is speaking now. He was respectful. 

6:38 Patty is speaking. It is obvious that based on her comments, she is a supporter of Measure F. Is this Patty Sue? If it is, she is Security National's Tim Callison's wife. She called out Thomas Edrington  and asked him to be upfront if he is commenting about No on F. If it is Patty Sue, she should practice what she preaches. Security National has an interest in Measure F and their name is all over campaign literature. CBE and EHA members and SN all have ongoing issues with City of Eureka since they lost control and misuse public comment.

The CBE, EHA Yes on Measure F and the usual three stooges spewing the same nonsense at every City Council meeting should take notes from Carswell on how to adult. People tune out noise. They say the same thing at every meeting and have for years and are disrespectful.

If these three want people to listen, try a different approach or continue to scream the usual bs and berate others as you do on every post on LOCO where it does not matter. People ignore the three of online for a reason. Like Zelanick, Steve Parr, Cornelius Loewenstein and his sidekick left after speaking.

At 6:41, Councilmember Castellano called in and said she has COVID. After procedure; she was allowed to participate virtually.

At 7:14, besides Council, City staff, EPD Chief Stephens, EPD Commander LaFrance, there are only two audience members and myself still here.

Raelina Kirkston spoke via Zoom in favor of the Vacant Building Ordinance. Councilmember Renee Contreras-DeLoach remarks are worth listening to because they bring up valid concerns of a residential or commercial property owner. Councilmember Kati Moulton said Eureka Chamber of Commerce commitee was in support, especially with the change in longer timelines. 7:38 Three yes votes; exceptions Councilmembers Bauer and Renee Contreras-DeLoach.

Having covered the courts, live coverage in the field including in person of what EPD does, it was nice to see EPD, Commander LaFrance and UPLIFT recognized. There is frustration out there among people looking for services. I know it and feel it have spoken to many people daily who are affected. Housing people and dealing with mental illness or substance abuse has challenges with restrictive funding streams, the inept County who has made everything a convoluted process with a few good people thrown in and selfish, unprofessional petty people getting off on a power trip and too many organizations using the most vulnerable. The City of Eureka gets a lot of abuse and crap from selfish and clueless people who have a bias and have no clue who to blame and do nothing to help their fellow human beings.

Zelanick, other local churches and those with deep pockets in Eureka and Humboldt who fake how pious they are one day a week and practice conditional and selective help, don't live Matthew 25:40 and are the hypocrites in Matthew 6:5. If you believe in a divine power; your actions would be different. 


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