Sep 11, 2024

BOS October 8th meeting will close in Hollie Klingel's memory


(screenshot of Hollie speaking from a post I did on Nov 7, 2023)

Today, I sadly learned that my dear friend, Human Rights Commissioner and longtime local activist Hollie Klingel passed away. This from a source I am very grateful to because reading it in an obituary would be more painful.

"I know you knew and liked Hollie Klingel. I wanted to pass on that I learned today that she died of an infection recently. That is all I know, but the person heard it from her daughter."

Thanks to Fourth District Supervisor Arroyo, I want to share this information with all who knew Hollie. 

"We will be closing our October 8th meeting in her memory. I will also be memorializing her in my own way. A real firebrand and someone who always spoke her mind!" I agree Supervisor Arroyo.

I knew Hollie for years. 

I just saw her about a month ago at the courthouse and it was one of those busy days but I heard Hollie call out, "Is that John Chiv?" And for Hollie, I made that time to stop and chat. This is a loss for the community. 

Klingel was a grandmother who raised her grandchildren because her own daughter, Stephanie is frequently arrested and in and out of the court system. I have been in the courtroom where Hollie would show up for Stephanie's cases.  Despite tough love and protecting her grandchildren, Hollie still wanted Stephanie to know that her mother had not abandoned her.

I am not going to share the details of what Hollie shared with me about Stephanie but like many people on the jail log, there is a more complete story about a person and their family. 

Hollie wanted me to stop by and visit where she lived on Myrtle. Hollie had never said that before. She was supposed to move to Silvercrest. "If you see my car, you know I am there." Before you saw Hollie, you saw her car and it was one of kind. Most of us don't know the struggles someone else goes through, especially those who stand up and speak for others. Hollie knew me better than most of you. We didn't always agree on everything but Hollie never judged me. She respected me and what I did and understood what a calling is because she had one of her own.

Hollie spoke up against the same entrenched Humboldt evil I do and it cost us a place to live which is just one of the many consequences and struggles. There are people who have a lot more money and disposable income in Humboldt who have profited from my work but can't even be bothered to ask me how I am doing. Hollie would often see me outside the courthouse where she would be attending a BOS meeting or protesting against current injustice. She knew in the last four years, all my struggles including housing. In the two minutes we spoke, she always wanted to give me a ride or would try and offer money. I would politely decline because she needed that and her family needed it more. It is the thought that counts.

There continue to be attacks to shut me down and silence my voice. I do this blog while fighting to survive daily and facing other challenges. Hollie's loss would be painful at any time but just yesterday, I saw her car on Myrtle and thought, I should call her and stop by. To the evil in Humboldt, you have cost me a lot and once again, because of constantly dealing with your nonsense, I never got to see Hollie one last time.

After this post, I heard from many people who also knew Hollie reached out and thanked me for this post or they would have never known. I had the unfortunate task of informing her fellow Veterans for Peace activists who were setting up at 4 a.m. outside the Courthouse on 9/12 why Hollie would not be joining them. I let them know about the October 8th and to express their gratitude to Supervisor Arroyo.

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