Sep 23, 2024

So far, besides Security National and Measure F committees, none of the Ward 2 or Ward 4 candidates have filed any financial forms


This is the reaction I have when I see a Yes on F Facebook ad or mailer. Judging from the ripped up Yes on F mailers in the recycling bin at the 5th and H post office, I am not the only one who feels that way. Whether that translates into votes, we will have to wait and see.

The next date that 460’s are due for City of Eureka candidates and Measure F is September 26, 2024. Thanks to Eureka Assistant City Manager and City Clerk Pam Powell for uploading forms to the website.

So far, besides Security National and Measure F committees, none of the Ward 2 or Ward 4 candidates have filed any financial forms.

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