Sep 17, 2024

Kati Moulton, Scott Bauer and Tom Wheeler are 3 of the 11 candadidates endorsed by HCDCC in upcoming elections

The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee issued a press release today with candidate endorsements in local races for the November 5, 2024 election. HCDCC previously announced their opposition to Measure F.

Press Release:

The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee is pleased to announce its official endorsements for the November 2024 election.

After interviews with the qualifying candidates, the committee voted to endorse the following:

Arcata City Council–3 open seats

Stacy Atkins-Salazar

Sarah Schaefer

Genevieve Serna

Blue Lake City Council–3 open seats

Adelene Jones

Verna Winona Natasha Pitts

Eureka City Council–2 Wards with 1 open seat each

Kati Moulton, Ward 2

Scott Bauer, Ward 4

Ferndale City Council–3 open seats

Stuart Altschuler

Humboldt Community Services District Board–2 open seats

Heidi Benzonelli

Michael Hansen

Humboldt Municipal Water District Board–Division 1

Thomas Wheeler

We encourage you to vote for the above candidates on Nov. 5 that are running in your community and that support Democratic values.  

As a reminder from our prior announcement, we have opposed Measure F, and strongly encourage you to vote NO on Measure F in Eureka–the deceptively titled “Housing For All” initiative sponsored by Security National. 

The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee (HCDCC) is dedicated to promoting Democratic values, supporting Democratic candidates, and engaging the community in meaningful political discourse. With a focus on inclusivity, integrity, and progress, HCDCC strives to create a vibrant Democratic community in Humboldt County.

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