Sep 22, 2024

Rex Bohn is concerned about retaliation due to "our recent push on homeless encampments"?

Besides the few public comments on his Facebook page, I am sure his base is privately giving good ole boy Rex a fist bump for this post. 

There will be crickets from left elite and politicians like Mike McGuire, Jared Huffman and Gavin Newsom because cleaning up homeless encampments is the new photo op without any accountability or answers about all the money thrown at housing people which benefits bureaucracy and developers profiting off low income and temporary housing contracts.

When certain other local media who the County and Rex favor wake up from their sleepy weekend and if they cover this in the next few days, will their "coverage" be County approved and a spin of talking points by Rexy and his minions at the County?

Just as I predicted in this August 20 post, Bubba Rex embarassed Humboldt again and made headlines again calling out San Francisco. This time in a Los Angeles Times article.

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