Sep 23, 2024

The most accurate comment on housing challenges in Humboldt


Misty left this comment about a property which is on the agenda for tomorrow's Humboldt Board of Supervisor meeting.

Too bad it is on Lost Coast Outpost where the few anon insiders, whiners and self absorbed don't care. Same few group and mentality that pollutes Redheaded Blackbelt with their anonymous hate. 

Misty's comment should be shared everytime Rex Bohn whines about "retaliation" and homeless encampments with no proof or Eureka Housing For All, Citizens for a Better Eureka, Security National employees or their family members and their sycophants open their mouths online. 

The County wanting to enforce code violations would actually matter if it was not done selectively. Every single person using a house as an office needs to move to a commercial space because that is why there is a lack of housing. We can start with John Fullerton, Paye Rentals, Ming Tree Eureka office, the Nicklas Insurance Company to name a few. At least three of those I mentioned are conservatives.

The baby boomers and generational locals who own more than 5 properties and have loser family members mooching and living off in most of those homes at the expense of their other tenants paying exorbitant rents should justify why a single person is living in a space that could house a family. Betty Chinn, Area Agency on Aging and certain other have received enough funds for years. Time to spread the funds and get new agencies and people involved. DANCO shouldn't get a single dime to maintain their monopoly and slow ass construction. The same people operating low income housing and deciding who qualifies need to be removed and replaced by new people immediately. If Caifornia Governor Gavin Newsom is serious about auditing and rewarding success when it comes to funds for housing, then he needs to take action and hold those profiting off government money accountable.

Just adding names on lists and putting people in housing where they end up moving often because those renting to them just take the money and then use the system to get rid of them should be blacklisted and slumlords should be held accountable. Whether they are friends of the same boorish, arrogant people in charge of Humboldt for decades on the left or right, liberal or conservative.

I am fine with capitalism and property rights; I am not okay with nepotism, cronyism, scammers, greed, corruption and abuse of power.

Text of Misty's comment:

At least there is one place housing the otherwise homeless people here in Humboldt County besides Betty Chinn. I know of people who started at YeeHaw, got guns to their faces with children in their arms by swat. These are people who are now housed, getting educated, and getting into good jobs.

Look up the City of Santa Rosa Low Income Rentals and you will see MANY for Formerly Homeless, MANY for seniors, and MANY for normal low-income people.

What is Eureka doing for low-income Seniors and Low Income everyone who can't afford these high rents? Finally trying to get more housing built, while fighting the NIMBY people tooth & nail with their glossy fliers and fancy attorneys trying to stop housing, thinking people slipping into poverty will just go away.

Social Security is based on what used to be a good enough wage as an essential worker (working for colleges, banks, and businesses) to pay for rent, daycare, food, and utilities with some left over to have a picnic once a month. These businesses used to pay all of our medical, dental, eye, and ear care. Not anymore.

There are 5 year waiting lists for Senior Low-Income housing, and I believe it is the same for anyone with low income. I do not know how many people Betty Chinn helps to house, but every little bit helps.

We can do better Humboldt County. Why not go in and help get YeeHaw up to a minimum standard and build more places like YeeHaw, with roofs over heads, places to park vehicles to sleep in, with showers, a cook house, and porta potties?

Why not help Betty Chinn and others have more places to transition from homeless to working, rather than giving a million to rich elderly people for a fancy place being built in McKinleyville (with a very obviously separate and Government Funded stories high apartment to be built to set the low-income people aside to keep those pesky poor people in their place), not mixed in and blended tiny places, with their cute homes and grounds?

Humboldt County can do better than giving a million dollars (partially refunded) to the (formerly not paying attention to finances thus being embezzled) Fairground people to watch horses go around in a circle and then die.

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