Jun 3, 2018

Antifa storms Patriot Prayer rally in Portland

(Image: Oregonian)

(Image: Fox News)

Violence in downtown Portland today as Antifa activists stormed a Patriot Prayer rally. Some protesters hurled bottles and fireworks at police officers. Others were caught with knives and other weapons.


"Protesters started showing up for a rally organized by right-wing group Patriot Prayer began before its scheduled 5 p.m. start time at Terry Schrunk Plaza. Antifa groups joined Direct Action Alliance and Empower Portland to counter-protest the Patriot Prayer rally."


"In one violent collision, Antifa protesters screamed "Fuck you Hayley, go back to the suburbs" while a brunette in a red flannel shirt was curled in a ball near a park bench, being kicked repeatedly. She was eventually pulled away and lay near the feet a a few cops, shirt ripped and barely moving."


1 comment:

  1. How is an attack a protest? Left wing nut Nazi Antifa stikes again. Black masks with black helmets.....and they still call themselves anti-fascist.


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