Mar 23, 2016

So it is bullying when Christians stand up for their rights but freedom of speech when Peter Martin or Janelle Egger sue the city and County?

I am glad Ryan Burns did this article. It was very informative

 Shows the hypocrisy and intolerance of the left.


  1. Bullying might be an odd choice of words, but Christians shouldn't be breaking the law. That much is certain.

    1. Nor should atheists when the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled in favor of invocations before City Council meetings. The hypocrisy is how certain groups use rights selectively and do not tolerate others asserting their rights.

    2. But, in the context you're talking about, the viewpoints of Christians are tolerated. Christians are being allowed to file their lawsuit, just as an atheist was allowed to file his/her lawsuit.

  2. Once again, unknown you miss the point. Go back and read. The hypocrisy is that the right are called bullies when the same behavior by the left is called freedom of speech. You cannot spin your opinion, especially misinterpretation of what I said as fact by multiple comments. Not all conservatives or liberals can be lumped together but it is always liberals who keep commenting and arguing when they cannot accept the truth.

  3. Not enough information to go off of to comment on bullying.

    As far as separation of church and state, seems clear cut, but certain people have tried in the past and will again in the future attempt to marry church and state as one.

  4. You, like Unknown, are fixated on separation of church and state. The hypocrisy is in the semantics, it is not freedom of a right for one group and then calling the same action different when it is a group you disagree with. As for the bullying, the quote with that word is crystal clear.


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