Feb 26, 2025

Brandon Widmark said it was all Jesse's idea. Brandon was the hero who saved Baskette."


On 2/25, jurors in Brandon and Jesse Widmark's trial were excused at lunch while Judge Steven Steward, Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees, Ms. Andrea Sullivan and Ms. Rebecca Linkous went over some evidence hearings and motions.

The last People's witness today before lunch was DA Investigator Greg Hill. He testified about the firearms in this case.

Earlier in the morning, before jurors were called in, once again, Ms. Linkous objected to certain statements made by Brandon Widmark to Investigator Hill. DA investigator Ryan Hill is the lead investigator on these case. Judge Steward, Mr. Rees and Ms. Linkous say Officer, Detective, Investigator Hill so I had to ask which Hill they are referring to and it is DA Investigator Ryan Hill.

Ms. Linkous's objections were deja vu because this issue has been argued and litigated before as Mr. Rees correctly pointed out. Judge Steward made rulings.

Mr. Rees said he agreed with that Ms. Linkous could cross examine to give context. He also agreed to a 402 hearing for Correctional Officer Samantha Sintic about the graffitti in jail and how she determined it was Brandon and Jesse Widmark. Ms. Linkous wanted to exclude any reference to alleged vandalism in jail. Ms. Sullivan did not join in that objection.

I was in court for the same argument except on those days it for  different witnesses. The point was the same, motive is relevant. For a trial that had a 6 week time estimate, these constant motions in the middle of testimony on issues already addressed are disrespectful to the jurors and others waiting for their cases to go through the legal system. 

These were some of the statements Mr. Rees wanted to present to the jury that he mentioned in his arguments.

"Brandon Widmark said it was all Jesse's idea," said Mr. Rees. "Brandon was the hero who saved Baskette. William Baskette was involved with the mother of Jesse' child."

Brandon Widmark told Investigator Hill "we were just supposed to say stay away from our family; not violent assault."

Mr. Rees said that the Widmark brothers knew there were warrants out for their arrests. "Brandon did not want to go back to prison. Brandon fleeing from Deputy (Raleigh) Willoughby started the chain of events."

Again, Ms. Sullivan did not join Ms. Linkous' objection. "My client will testify that they were trying to get money to get out of town." That is what led to the robbery, said Ms. Sullivan.

Jesse Widmark started his testimony towards end of the day. He was not on the stand this morning. 

Prior to Mr. Rees taking over the case, former Deputy DA Luke Bernthal was the prosecutor on the case.

Brandon has been grumpy sitting silently and glaring at random people when he turns around to see who is there. Jesse today was in a light hearted mood, chuckling in court and leaning in to listen to an off the record exchange between Mr. Rees and Ms. Sullivan.

I have zero sympathy for Brandon and Jesse Widmark. They made stupid choices. This Jerry Springer behavior with baby mamas and multiple men throwing their lives over these women is so Humboldt. Racking up warrants and then fleeing driving all over the County, shooting at law enforcement and endangering civilians may make for a f list of  "Wannabe Bad Boys, wannabe Bad Boys, whatcha gonna do, when Humboldt County law enforcement comes for you" but it has real life consequences.

The brothers are going to prison. The question is for how long. They had a chance to resolve the case; they chose not to. I don't recall a single person when the crime spree was haplening all over Eureka and the initial coverage who expressed any sympathy for these two. I said this before, Ms. Sullivan's approach in defending her client is better. 

2/25 court minutes:

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