Jun 26, 2024

"Is it now the practice of the Sheriff’s Office and DA to look away when allegations or a request for internal investigation are made?




On June 18, I reported that former HCSO Lt. Sam Williams had filed an appeal in his criminal case and lack of response to an email and request for internal investigation.

Humboldt County District Attorney Stacey Eads, DA Stacey Eads, Sheriff William Honsal and Undersheriff JD Braud receiveda second request via email today from Williams. As reported, he is out of state and no longer lives in Humboldt.

"I suspect they are worried about litigation/ or appeal, or AG inquiry" is just one observation I received.

I have received a lot of feedback on this as I do on all my posts from former law enforcement, lawyers, community members who knew Sam well and people who know how Humboldt works and that this blog has consistently held abuse of power accountable and exposed lack of transparency.

6/27: After my post, Sheriff Honsal sent this response to Sam.

"Good Afternoon Sam, 

Your email complaint has been reviewed.   At this time I do not have supporting evidence that indicates a policy violation has occurred.  If you want to discuss your case further and provide further details, we can set up a time next week to talk.  Let me know what works best for you."

Text of Williams email:

Hello Sheriff, Undersheriff, and DA,

It’s been several weeks since I informed you of my concerns regarding my case, and what I believe to be misconduct and or violation of policy.  I have reached out to inquire of you, but I received no correspondence from any of you in the matter.

Is it now the practice of the Sheriff’s Office and DA to look away when allegations or a request for internal investigation are made?  Where is the same vigor that was employed in my case at now that I bring a matter to your attention?  I now live looking over my shoulder waiting for that anonymous report or agency assist request in attempt to get a probation violation.  You all know how that works.  There are clearly those who would not be above such a thing.  Which is why my inquiry is of utmost importance to me.

This lack of any response is not just horribly unprofessional, but it looks a lot like shame to me.  Every other person who makes such request would get a response.  Is there something to hide?  If everything was above board, there should be no issue with a proper explanation.  Right?

I am requesting (as a citizen) the issues I brought to your attention in my email be formally investigated so I may have answers and the family and friends that I have in Humboldt county can also have answers.  

Hope you are all well.  Thank you.

Warmest regards, 

Sam Williams

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