Jun 3, 2024

These 4 people have better ideas to reduce homelessness than the Supervisors, DHHS and all who profit from lack of housing

Finally a discussion about homelessness which was not taken over by selfish people and NIMBYs but that only lasted 24 hours. It derailed into the usual name calling and pretending most Humboldt homeless are mentally ill or drug addicts. Like most anonymous online forums, it didn't take long for Humboldt Reddit to be taken over by the cesspool shutting down any dissent,  valid criticism of Humboldt County or accountability and blame homelesness on everything else but their callousness and greed.

The same agencies and people getting money for affordable or low income housing for decades where they get to control who gets housed on their whim and personal biases. County and private businesses hogging houses people could live in and the same people complaining why so many people are on the streets. 

Jobs and steady income so people can maintain housing. Single males have no chance to get into Humboldt housing resources and get bounced around on waiting lists they have no chance at succeeding unless they are sex offenders or drug addicts. Shelters do not work for everyone. This thread on Reddit and just these 4 responses are from people who know why homelessness is increasing in Humboldt. Housing people who have a chance to succeed first because they lost their homes due to economic reasons instead of all resources going to those with mental illness, drugs or because they are sex offenders, all those profiting from homelessness would lose their easy money.

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