Jun 6, 2024

Comfort Inn suspect vandalized relative's car, attacked 2 EPD officers and refused to come to court for arraignment


Comfort Inn suspect Cyle Abbot, Jr had arraignment scheduled in his 2024 case for that incident and arraignment for probation violation in his 2021 case yesterday. He refused to come to court and arraignment was continued to this afternoon. Public Defender's office was appointed. OR/bail hearing on 6/10; preliminary hearing on 6/18.

Alleged victim in Count 1 PC 594 (b) (1) vandalism has the same last name. When I first reported on this incident, I mentioned EPD Officer Andrew Endsley was on scene and he is listed as alleged victim in Count 2 PC 422 criminal threats and 3. The other EPD officer, Logan Myers is only  listed in Count 3, PC 69 resisting an executive officer.

2024 case:

2021 case:

6/10: OR/bail and supervised release denied by Judge Kaleb Cockrum. Intervention was scheduled in Abbott's 2021 case for probation violation which is the same day as the preliminary hearing  on 6/18. 

6/18: Criminal proceedings suspended after defense declared doubt. Dr's reports due 7/16.

7/16: Found not competent. Placement & med evaluation on 8/5.

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