Jun 5, 2024

Was Nim's disqualification of Judge Killoran retaliation because of the recent ruling in the Loza Zamacona case?

Amber McDavit had three 2024 cases. On 5/23, a petition for mental health diversion requested by the defense was denied by Retired Judge John Feeney. On 5/24, CR2400733 was assigned to Judge Lawrence Killoran for trial. On 5/28, Deputy Public Defender Nims disqualified Judge Killoran. Why didn't ousted, censured Gregory Kreis' buddy Nims (who was mentioned in the CJP notice of formal proceedings and their final decision and censure of Kreis) mention this at trial assignment? 

Instead petty, little Nims waited until the day trial was scheduled, in Judge Killoran's courtroom, to disqualify Judge Killoran. Was this retaliation by Nims for Judge Killoran ruling that there was a violation of motions in limine and removing him and the PD's office in Jesus Loza Zamocana's case. Judge Killoran has still not imposed sanctions as of 6/4/24. I reported on  the Loza Zamocona case.

So on Monday, the busiest day at the courthouse, McDavit's case had to be sent to another courtroom for a plea in CR2400733. McDavit's two other 2024 cases were dismissed. Sentencing is on 6/24. Judge Kaleb Cockrum tentative ruling was probation with no additional jail time.

Kreis is gone and none of those cushy plea deals for his buddies which were mentioned in the CJP decision. Nims went for a steady government job and left a private law firm. At the PDs, he gets paid for just showing up. Yet he walks around the courthouse in arrogance. Some lawyers can afford to, Nims is not one of them. 

5/28 minutes:

6/24: Judge Kaleb Cockrum placed McDavit on two years probation with a stay away from 1027 3rd street and Walmart.

6/30: Six days out of custody and arrested by EPD for PC 647 (f) public intoxication. Arrested on same charge on 7/2.

7/11: arrested yesterday by EPD for PC 1203.2(a) probation violation and possession of controlled substance.

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