Jun 18, 2024

HBF Chief Robertson and Local 652 answer my questions on staffing issues, Myrtle station closure and how the loss of 17 staff has affected response time

I asked the following questions to Humboldt Bay Fire Chief Sean Robertson and representatives of Local 652 leadership.

Posted below are my questions and their answers.

How long has the staffing, retention issue going on? 

This acute staffing crisis with a station closed has been happening since May 10, but we really began having significant issues in 2022 when we lost 5 people to Arcata Fire.

  1. Was the decision to close the Myrtle station due to staffing or budget?

It is due to our staffing policy which stipulates we will close a station when we have 6 or more long-term vacancies (defined as a month or more). We currently have 3 permanent position vacancies, and 4 temporary vacancies of 1 month or more due to military leave, illness, and injury.

  1. How is this impacting response time?

Calls in the closed station’s area have increased by 1 to 3 minutes depending on the call type. It has also increased calls for the two stations adjacent to Station 4 -  Station 1 by 24%, and for Station 5 14%

  1. Are you losing staff to other local fire districts or out of the area?

Yes, we have lost 17 people in the past 2 years with 7 to Arcata Fire, and the rest other fire agencies in the Bay Area and Oregon. The majority of those who have left have 10 or more years of experience with HBF which is a significant loss.

  1. Are housing and healthcare challenges affecting retention?

Not specifically that I am aware of,  but for people with more seniority it may affect their decision to leave.

Anything else you or Union leadership would like me to include?

HBF Local 652 encourages Citizens to attend Eureka City Council meetings, HBF JPA board meeting and Humboldt Fire District 1 meetings to keep informed on what is going on with their fire department. Please come by for a station visit to learn more about what we do. HBF Local 652 is appreciative of the collaborative relationship it has with Administration

We also encourage the community to consider working at HBF as a great career and to visit our website to learn more about our Junior and Cadet Firefighter Programs.

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