Sep 16, 2024

Three year restraining order granted againstFrederick Breckenridge for incident involving Rex Bohn

Today, there was a court trial scheduled for the retraining order requested by the County of Humboldt against Breckenridge. Victim is First District Supervisor Rex Bohn. Deputy County Counsel Thomas Chapin presented testimony and evidence. Mr. Chapin has successfully represented the County on such cases and others. 

The Breckenridge Workplace Violence Restraining Order was granted by Humboldt Superior Court Presiding Judge Kelly Neel for three years. Bohn and Clerk of the Board Tracy D'Amico, Clerk who was a witness to the incident testified. Breckenridge was a no-show for this case; again. 

In his 2024 criminal case, there is a bench warrant out for Breckinridge for failure to appear. A College of the Redwoods request for a restraining order against Breckenridge was dismissed. Breckenridge is allowed to attend Board of Supervisor meetings and enter the Courthouse for business.

I was the first person to report on Frederick Breckenridge and the only one to regular follow his court cases.

9/16 court minutes:

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