Sep 20, 2024

The County pays Kreis for cases he is appointed to but the public are not allowed access to the information that is a part of public record?


Who the attorney is on any case can be viewed as a part of public record. So a list of cases Gregory Kreis has been appointed to is not privileged information. The County could have provided documents relating to that part of the request.

If they do not want to disclose how much Kreis was paid, I will let the numerous lawyers who read this blog weigh in on that one. Let's see the County's response to the second request submitted to the CAO's office and the Humboldt County Auditor Controller. 

First District Supervisor Rex Bohn endorsed Kreis in the past election. Former ousted judge Kreis released the grand jury report about former Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez while she was running for re-election. No other Humboldt judge had done that prior to the election. Humboldt Public Defender Luke Brownfield is a friend of Kreis. If you just read the Commission on Judicial Performance proceedings, you know that information. If you look at his complete list of endorsers for the past election, you can decide whether Kreis who is now a lawyer and on the Humboldt court conflict panel paid by the County is on the same level on the playing field as every other attorney on that panel.

Kreis has made claims about his income in his family law case which I have covered and what he gets paid is relevant to that news coverage and his credibility.

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