Sep 24, 2024

Pa Cheng arrested again 4 months for oral copulation of a minor, drug charges with a new charge of pandering

(May 2024)
(September 2024)

Pa Cheng was arrested yesterday by the Humboldt County Drug Task Force for PC 287(b)(2) oral copulation of a minor,, PC 266i (a)( 2) pandering by force, threats or violence and HS 11366.5(a) operating or maintaining a drug house.

In May 2024, Cheng was arrested by HCDTF for oral copulation of a minor and drug charges.

Cheng was scheduled to be arraigned on 9/25. Her other 2024 case was on for termination of supervised release. Minutes were not up late afternoon on 9/25 but I have charges that I will be adding later. Dates and attorney information when I can check court minutes again.

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