Sep 29, 2024

If Humboldt courts wants more jurors in a pool, maybe attorneys should treat jurors and jury selection with more respect than answering their phone in court


The only reason I followed up on this text I received on 9/24 was because if this excused juror's experience is how others feel, it is disrespectful, unprofessional and not a surprise to me because I have reported previously about such behavior of certain Humboldt Deputy Public Defenders in the courtroom. If you want people to serve on a jury, give them the respect they deserve.

I asked the person who sent me the text what the defense attorney did and what they told me is not any kind of violation of the law. This is not an exact quote because I was not in the courtroom but the defense attorney said something to the jurors like I am not being rude if I am checking my phone, just responding to my boss.

Regardless of who the attorney is in this case; all attorneys should take the feedback and adjust their courtroom ettiquette and their "boss" should not text them during jury selection and lead by example.

I did one post on Richard Shears is in 2017. He does have a trial assigned to Judge Killoran in Courtroom 1. E court records show the jury trial is trailing in the case number provided to me and continued by stipulation. I don't know if the excused juror or the party who sent me this text on 9/24 got the incorrect case number but since the case number they sent me is trailing and Shears has other 2024 cases open, it is more likely another case which is the lead case in trial. 

I am surprised Deputy Public Defender David Nims is in trial with Judge Lawrence Killoran. Deputy District Attorney Brandon Boozari is the prosecutor for this trial. 

Search posts using either David  Nims, or Amber McDavit or Jesus Loza Zamacona to get the context and all the details. I previously reported that in the Zamacona case, Deputy District Attorney Ian Harris informed Judge Killoran about a conversation between Deputy Public Defender David Nims and a witness. There was an evidence hearing. Judge Killoran found there was a violation of  motions in limine. Nims filed a disqualification in the McDavit case against Judge Killoran.

This is not a case I am following and Shears has 59 searches that come up in e court although many are duplicates. This issue has been brought up to Humboldt Superior court tech by me at least twice and several months ago and despite a recent software update, the issue persists. 

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