Jun 12, 2024

Two months later, another experienced prosecutor exits Humboldt County DA's office


On April 2022, I reported that Humboldt County DA's office lost two more Deputy District Attorneys. Now I heard from a few sources yet another experienced Deputy DA gave notice and is leaving and headed to El Dorado County. Again, someone I like and a prosecutor who was good. Deputy DA Luke Bernthal responded to me and confirmed the news.

"I did give notice. My choice to leave is for personal reasons, mostly having to do with wanting to be closer to family. I appreciate the support I have received from Ms. Eads and my colleagues over the last several years.  Working for the Humboldt County DA’s Office has been a great experience, and I appreciate the opportunities I have had during my time here to be an advocate for public safety. "

There are hardly any prosecutors left and very few experienced ones. This increases the workload on everyone else and will cause a delay in preliminary hearings, trials.

While Luke's choice is personal. Based on the amount of exits since I started this blog and in the recent years and my observations and knowledge of Humboldt including the courts which I have covered regularly for 10 years, I do not have to be as diplomatic as him.

The DA short staffing just like HCSO and other agencies and departments is due to decades of the same leadership and all those people to be replaced. The same good ole boys and gals in charge funded by the same greedy, selfish, corrupt people and systems.

The Rex Bohn, Michelle Bushnell, Billy Honsal, Maggie Fleming, Stacey Eads and their cronies including annuitants need to go. If you retired, don't double dip. Humboldt County budget shortfall could significantly be reduced by eliminating nepotism and hiring of buddies and insiders who aren't neccesarily the most qualified or professional applicants.


I said this in April and it applies now.

"Deputy District Attorney Emily Norgaard and her husband Alex Grotewahl are leaving Humboldt County and going to El Dorado County."

"This is a loss for victims and adds to the exodus of experienced,  professional prosecutors who have left during the Maggie Fleming and Stacey Eads administrations."

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