Jun 16, 2024

This guy thinks I never wrote about Kreis and David Nims is my friend


(one of 2018 emails)

(2024 email)

Anyone who reads my blog knows I covered Gregory Kreis for years, have called out Janssen Malloy, David Nims and was the only to report on former CEO Kim Bartleson and reported on allegation against her in her previous job before she was hired by Humboldt Superior Court.

People who continue to misuse my contact emails, slander me repeatedly and don't even bother to read my blog, waste my time repeatedly will never stop unless they are called out in public. I have emails from Hopkins saved. I have emails and my response to Frederick Breckenridge saved and yet he rants about me on Facebook in a completely different tone making baseless claims. Breckenridge is supposed to be in mental rehab while his criminal case and one TRO requested by the County of Humboldt are pending. One day Breckenridge is thanking me; and a few days later he is ranting and tagging me. This is what mental health funding is being wasted on instead of helping people who would use those services to get stability and the help they need.

Jermaine Hopkins is a clueless  fool has emailed me 8 times since 2018 about stuff I have already reported on and made baseless accusations about other people. Trying to use me or my blog never works especially if you are going to slander me when I can refute you with documented facts. Hopkins latest email asking me if I was going to write about Kreis was sent today and was in my spam folder. 

This is why I do not respond to blatant lies about me online because like Hopkins there is no basis; just disgruntled delusions and agenda. Most people including several I have covered on this blog speak to me and thank me for what I report. 

Breckenridge was arrested only after he allegedly threatened Rex Bohn. Emails from people like Hopkins aren't just words. These people are unpredictable. The County officials and employees get a TRO, dont have to pay their legal expenses and get an out of proportion law enforcement response. The rest of us are on our own, having to pay legal expenses we cannot afford or let it go due to the cost and have to deal with threats with dangerous people with no there is no guarantee of protection or justice because lawlessness and misdirected anger is rampant in Humboldt.

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