Jun 28, 2024

Mckinleyville man flagged by NCMEC for child pornography taken into custody after sentencing


Brandon Markus Sampanes taken into custody after sentencing on June 27 after being sentenced. When I reported on his plea deal last month, Judge Lawrence Killoran sentenced Sampanes to 2 years  probation as he previously indicated.

As part of the plea deal, Sampanes has to register for lifetime as a sex offender. This Mckinleyville man was flagged by NCMEC  for more than 50 iThis is just one of the many plea deals given to those convicted of possession of child porn and other crimes involving eomen and minors as well as defendants with multiple cases. If you follow my blog regularly, you know the resolutions. Put in Jeon Durr or Jacob Roberts or Amber McDavit in the search box. Those are just three examples.

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