Apr 19, 2016

Finally, some justice for victims, particularly women and children, under District Attorney Maggie Fleming's leadership.

Finally, some justice for victims, particularly women and children, under District Attorney Maggie Fleming's leadership.

Special thanks to the DA team and prosecutors on  the Jason Warren case (Mr. Paul Sequeira, special prosecutor); the Gary Bullock case (Mr. Andrew Isaac); the John Bullwinkel case (Ms. Brie Bennett); the Timothy Littlefield case (recently Ms. Bennett and Mr. Isaac) and the Kailan Meserve case (Ms. Bennett).

All the staff, the DA investigators,  the deputy district attorneys are wonderful but the Warren, Bullock, Littlefield and Meserve verdicts have been particularly gratifying.

Of these cases, three defendants were represented by Mr. Russ Clanton (Bullwinkel, Littlefield and Meserve). What is even more impressive is that Ms. Bennett has been an attorney for a lot less time than Mr. Clanton. She has stood her own and won motions and rulings despite Mr. Clanton's bombastic theatrics in the courtroom.

She is one of my favorite attorneys and such a great choice for a CAST prosecutor.

Today, being the 20th anniversary of CAST, I think the Meserve verdict has extra significance.

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