Apr 21, 2015

Humboldt repeat offenders should get justice Sheriff Arpaio style

Before someone gets their knickers in a twist about this post, don't get so serious. Think of this like a Humboldt Court rant or rave, the difference is that on craigslist it's usually delusion, in this case it is the reality of the hard working court staff on the second floor every day.

Court work is not all glamor and fun!

Last  minute changes have been happening in some  court cases in the last few months. My observation is some of the following reasons: because certain defendant's don't show up time and time again, keep getting rearrested and warrants have to be issued, some attorneys abuse the schedule by requesting special accommodations due to vacation and days it is easier for them to come to court. Other reasons are defendants who have no hope for an offer or win but like the drama and attention and drag out their cases. Pro per defendants who don't have a clue, refuse attorneys. Judges follow the law and procedure. And others get inconvenienced for a few selfish people. Doesn't help that homicides, murders and home invasions occur at such a rate that keeping up with preliminary hearings and jury trials just from last year and this year is a challenge and does create a jam.

DA Maggie Fleming has done a great job clearing the backlog in just a few months and keeping this year's cases on a steady track.

The electronic calendar and the digital calendars don't work half the time and get updated sometimes, sometimes they don't. I assume for the same reasons the changes are made last minute and the court staff may not know in time to make the changes. So if you are someone not familiar with the courts, how to look up a case in the court computer, assuming the family court mediators aren't occupying the only two rooms on the second floor in which the computers are available, you are outta luck! The family court mediators have offices a floor above. Why don't they use those? They even kick out criminal attorneys and prosecutors.

You could be a defendant wandering the halls, an attorney scurrying from one court to another due to inconsiderate defendants and fellow attorneys Sticking to the schedule was not a huge issue before. This could be the new excuse defendants could use for getting out of arrests when a warrant is issued. "I don't know your honor, I was here! I was confused what day this is and where I am supposed to be!"

Humboldt Judges needs to crack down on all these special scheduling requests. For those frequent offenders, give them justice Sheriff Arpaio style. You keep committing crimes, refuse help, fail drug rehab over and over and keep costing the taxpayers. Chain em, give em a toothbrush and make them scrub the dirty sidewalks of Eureka.

Maintaining the courts cost money. Staffing the courts costs money. For some, it's time to lock em up and throw away the key.


  1. I am from AZ. Arpaio is a nazi style racist. For you to say we need his style here not only shows your ignorance on this subject, but makes you look like a fascist. Think before you publish!

    1. You are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine. The only fascist is you thinking your opinion is the only one allowed to be voiced and that you know what law abiding citizens endure in Humboldt. The only ignorance is you making a lot of assumptions. My post must have hit a nerve close to home.


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