May 5, 2016

No show when it came time to help but James Decker and his cohorts do know how to disrespect

Not everyone reads the Times Standard, subscription or online, so I wanted to link this article.

All James Decker and his cohort troublemakers like Verbena do is hurl vitriol at Chief Mills, me, and others.

They incite, they disrespect, some comment anonymously like cowards and even the minimum wage working folk in Old Town cannot stand James Decker.

No help for those at Palco Marsh. Was James Decker there helping anyone move, let alone assist in housing. Or Verbena? Or Janelle?

Even on the LOCO threads, the tide has turned against such hypocrites, yet those in denial keep defending their tactics.

Many of these people hate simply because someone is Christian or has a different political view than them. My favorite comment on LOCO was a guy who was houseless who exposed these so called "advocates" and praised Betty Chinn and St. Vincent and the Rescue Mission.

With free speech, comes responsibility, not just yelling and being disrespectful. Even worse than the drug addicts and thieves are people like James Decker.

If the rumors that Kim Starr aka Verbena has a trust fund are true, house someone Verbena, instead of inciting problems and telling others what to do or think. Even if you don't have a trust fund Verbena, do something positive instead of just you and James Decker blabbing your incoherent, imaginary views of people and Humboldt.

Those who polarize this community are the problem; not the rich, not the genuinely homeless and not addicts trying to change.

Some of the  media also needs to be accountable for giving 15 minutes of fame, constantly, to these losers. Public needs to stop supporting such media and tell them to get back to doing their job, which is providing public, accurate information.

Good for TS for doing this article, good for LOCO commenters who see through the charade.

Taking our town back also means civility, truth not innuendoes in anonymous comments or public, and having our law enforcement not put up with verbal abuse and harassment.


  1. I guess in the new Trump universe, calling people "losers" is considered an example of civility now.

    1. MOLA, no in any universe they are losers. You, as their defender, does not surprise me. Like I said denial. Heckling and booing when police officers who died is a loser. No facts, just insulting me back is typical. Long before you were on the cyber scene, I have been watching their antics. You don't seem to have a problem with their insults of me, which started way before I said anything about them. I guess in an Obama or Bernie Universe, standing up for yourself is considered an invitation to more insults.

  2. Keep up the good work John..You do an excellent job!

    1. Thanks Rebecca. I have been praying for you and James and your kids. Proud of you turning your life around.

    2. Thank You so much..The kids come home June 14th

  3. Then you have not been paying attention. I have a problem when anyone insults anyone. If you haven't gathered that from my writings, then you have not been paying attention.

    I mention Trump merely because he's made a fashion of calling people not with him as "losers." I thought you would be above that.

    I have repeatedly defended you when I thought you were in the right or if I thought what was being said was beyond the bounds of good taste or decent behavior. You sir, have a very plastic memory.

    Did I insult you? No. I pointed out a bit of inconsistency in your outlook. As for piling me in with people who cheer when police officers are killed... That's a bit much. I have a brother who is now a retired police officer. I hardly cheer when I hear of one dying.

    I do not defend the behavior you mention... I never have. Focus your righteous anger on someone who deserves it.

  4. If it don't apply let it fly Mola..Your the one that responded to the comment.

  5. MOLA, what inconsistency in my outlook. Decker is on video and people can see what he said. I did not say you cheered dying. But if you defend Decker, you are condoning his behavior.
    My righteous anger comes from years of being silent, watching people like Verbena and Decker spew hate towards me, my friends and decent men like Chief Mills for no other reason. I will continue to expose and have, rich or not, destructive people in this community who do nothing but incite.


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