Oct 20, 2015

Tragedy made our paths cross yet we formed a bond that will last forever

You do not meet under pleasant circumstances, it is tragedy that has made my paths cross with certain families, yet we form a bond that will last forever.

If you have been reading this blog since its inception, you know that the court coverage started in January 2014 when I was there daily from arraignment to preliminary hearing, and now the upcoming jury trial chronicling the legal details and my personal journey of losing Fr. Eric.

I have covered many cases and many people, especially family members in the homicide cases, have shared some of their innermost thoughts and feelings with me. None of which will be ever be made public on the blog.

The Bodhi Tree, Ferrer and Arreaga cases are three cases were I have spent a lot of time with the families. I know how they feel sitting in a courtroom, looking and hearing details about loved ones they will never see.

I have emails and phone calls from family members of both defendants and victims, sexual assault and domestic violence victims. Hours of calls and personal support. My work for children and women's rights has been very helpful in assisting the people who reach out to me.

This format allows me the freedom to present the human side, often lost in headlines and "just the facts." I love what I do and on days which are difficult, on days when I think I could be earning money instead, I read those emails and think of those calls and I know this is where I belong.

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