Oct 26, 2015

Rotary guest speaker Rob Arkley predicts Democratic win in Presidential election, talks about marijuana, economy and oyster lawsuits

Eureka Rotary weekly luncheon at the Elks Lodge was packed to hear guest speaker Mr. Rob Arkley.

Attendees included former Eureka City Councilmember Jeff Leonard, local business owners Liana Simpson, Carlton Nielsen, John Fullerton and Eureka Chamber of Commerce Director Don Smullin.

After regular business led by Eureka Rotary President Jay Bahner, Rotary President Elect Matthew Owen introduced Mr. Arkley as someone needing no introduction and as "the man, the myth, the legend."

It is always very energizing and positive to hear Mr. Arkley speak. The following is a highlight of his remarks and quotes. It is not a detailed step by step summary of everything he said.

Mr. Arkley spoke off the cuff about local and national politics, about the local, national and international economy and answered a few questions.

Mr. Arkley said this "was an interesting time in politics"

"A lot of us are angry, doesn't matter if we are on the right or left. I don't know if it is because things are not going our way or because we are not being listened to; that is where I am. The advocates we elected are not listening to us."

Disillusioned with federal politics, Mr. Arkley said he has shifted "most of my emphasis on states. I would say the same if it was a Republican President. Passing of bills is supposed to be cumbersome, not easy."

Commenting on the upcoming Presidential election, he said that the Republican field was "too crowded" with "a lot of unqualified people." While calling Hillary Clinton a "pathological liar", he predicted that the Democrats would win the Presidential election.

"I see the country defined by two issues in this election. On the Democratic side, it is all about class warfare. On the Republican side, it is don't fool anyone here about the middle class."

Emphasizing the need to enforce laws regarding illegal immigration, Mr. Arkley said, "Would we have a minimum wage if we did not have all these illegal immigrants?"

"I think the age of huge money in campaigns is over. Look at what Trump has done with Twitter. The Citizens United decision is a non-issue."

Mr. Arkley said the national economy was good. "Locally, the marijuana industry has a bigger ripple then we think."

He spoke a bit about national and international economy, then said, "More important to all of us in the room is what is happening locally. I think marijuana will run its course. I don't think there will be a Humboldt brand, at least not the way people think it will be. " Mr. Arkely said that he does not buy the tax benefit of marijuana because he doesn't think there will be as much money as people think will be garnered. "Legalize marijuana and get the rule of law being enforced."

"I don't know how to communicate with millennials. I think most of us in this room don't. They are socially libertarian and fiscally conservative. They are not into drugs." Talking about a bright future, Mr. Arkley urged the business community to reach out to younger people and encourage them and get involved and represented in organizations. "We had our time, this is their time."

"We have an amazing bright group of kids, lot of startups here. Innovation doesn't have to be done in San Francisco, it can be done here. " Mr. Arkley said his company had hired 18 people recently. "Most of them women. They have the urge to work hard and pass an urine test more than men.

"I didn't think oysters were controversial. Pacific Seafood wants to bring oyster beds here, we have a lawsuit. Whether it is a right or a wrong lawsuit, I think these lawsuits are counter-productive." Mr. Arkley refrerred to one of the "attorneys being here." I was sitting next to Paul Brisso.

Mr. Arkley gave a shout out to City of Eureka Community Director Rob Holmlund and Eureka City Chief Andy Mills for doing a great job.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, Rob is usually off on this predictions, that gives me hope for the Republican candidates come next November


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