May 6, 2014

City of Eureka Prepares Streamlined Housing Element Update

The City of Eureka has initiated a comprehensive update of its General Plan to define a common
vision for the City’s future and a strategy to make that vision a reality. Included in this effort is
an update of the City’s Housing Element to ensure compliance with State law. A Housing
Element is one of the required General Plan Elements and a crucial planning tool utilized by
jurisdictions to assess housing needs. To address the City’s identified needs, the Housing
Element sets goals and policies while identifying key resources to support and facilitate the
development of a variety of housing opportunities.

The City’s current Housing Element was adopted September 21, 2010 and addresses the City’s housing
needs for the 4th Housing Element planning period extending from 2009 to 2014. As the current Housing
Element is set to expire June 30, 2014, the City has prepared an update for the 5th Housing Element
planning period that covers the years 2014 to 2019. Consequently, the Housing Element for the 5th
planning period must be adopted and submitted to HCD no later than June 30, 2014. If the City fails to
adopt and submit their Housing Element by this designated due date, future housing and infrastructure
funding is put at risk. Press Release May 6, 2014

The Housing Element requires review and certification by the California Department of Housing and
Community Development (HCD). For the 5th Housing Element planning period, HCD has provided
jurisdictions with the option of submitting for a streamlined review. To qualify for the streamlined
review option, jurisdictions must have achieved certification for and implemented their 4th cycle
Housing Element. Generally, the streamlined review option is utilized by jurisdictions that have a
recently adopted Housing Element and are expecting minimal changes to the content of the document.
The City of Eureka qualifies for the streamlined review and is on track to adopt and submit their Final
Housing Element to HCD by the June 30, 2014 deadline.

In preparation for the Housing Element adoption hearings expected to occur in June of 2014, the
City invites your participation and comments on the Draft Housing Element. An informational
joint study session with the City Council and Planning Commission on the Housing
Element update will be held Tuesday, May 13, 2014, at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers
located at City Hall, 531 K Street in Eureka. The study session will provide an overview of
the Housing Element update process, document contents, and recent legislation affecting the
production of affordable housing. For more information, visit the General Plan Update website
at or call Lisa Shikany at (707) 268-5265.

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