Sep 23, 2015

Jason Warren jury trial estimated to last until mid December, thanksgiving week off, some full days

Today, a trial confirmation hearing was scheduled for the Jason Warren case at 4 p.m. He was served with a copy of a document by the People in court today, before he left. Alternate Conflict Counsel's Mr. Glenn Brown is representing Warren in the Hoopa case where is charged with the homicide of Dorothy Ulrich.

If the case gets assigned Friday, it will start Monday in Courtroom 4. While the case has been assigned to Judge Timothy Cissna for trial, the decision if it will definitely start on September 28 depends on how trial assignment goes this Friday. As Judge Cissna explained, "there maybe other higher priority cases."

It all depends on courtroom availability.
During the Warren case, Mr. Brown made reference to a memo about court restructuring. I posted earlier today.

Schedules, witness list and the gag order and freedom of the press was discussed this afternoon.

Time estimate including jury selection is 8 to 10 weeks. Trial is expected to be over by mid-December. The proposed schedule is Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to noon; Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30 to 4 or 4:30 and every other Friday.

Due to court holidays, the trial will not be in session on October 12, November 11, November 26 and November 27.

The best quote of the day was from Mendocino Assistant D.A. Mr. Paul Sequeira, who is prosecuting this case. When Judge Timothy Cissna was going over court holidays, he mentioned Thanksgiving and the Friday after and asked both attorneys if they wanted the entire week or any additional days off. Mr. Sequeira is commuting for the trial. "For marital harmony, I would request the day before Thanksgiving."

Subpoenaed records from St. Joseph's hospital were handed to Ms. Fleming by Judge Cissna to copy for her office and Mr. Brown and originals will be returned to the Court.

Trial assignment is scheduled for September 25 at 8:30 a.m. and motion hearing to admit evidence of prior conviction on September at 8:30 a.m. in Courtroom 4. The jury trial is scheduled for September 28 with a jury panel scheduled for September 29.

Mr. Kevin Robinson from the Public Defender's office is representing Warren in the Eureka case in which he ialso charged with the death of Suzanne Seeman and attempted murder of severely injuring two other joggers who were with her. Mr. Robinson has not been present for the last three hearings since the case going to trial is the one in which Mr. Brown is representing Warren.

Mr. Paul Sequeira, Assistant DA from Mendocino County, is a special prosecutor for this case. He asked Judge Cissna for specifics of the gag order which was issued before he took the case.  Ms. Fleming also mentioned it was a general gag order and wanted some clarification. Both have received questions from the press. Judge Cissna responded with no comment.

Sep 17, 2015

Jason Warren trial has a Judge and jury panel to start Sept 29

A pre trial hearing for the Jason Warren was scheduled for this afternoon.

Mr. Paul Sequeira, Assistant DA from Mendocino County appeared with District Attorney Maggie Fleming. He is trying the case.

Trial estimate 8 to 10 weeks. Trial schedule to be decided. It maybe full days or the typical Humboldt schedule of 8:30 to noon with a couple of afternoons.

With Courtroom 2 in jury trial for Arreaga, Courtroom 5 in another trial, Courtroom 1 to begin a long trial soon, and Judge Cissna starting a trial, he said that with the Warren case being one that has a time waiver, it may not start exactly on September 28.

Once he receives the witness list, Judge Cissna will see if he has to disqualify himself.

Judge Cissna brought up that while two additional judges are scheduled for Humboldt and an additonal Judge to help out with upcoming trials has been requested by Presiding Judge Joyce Hinrichs, "that has not come to fruition."

Jason Warren did not want to be in court and he was there briefly to formally waive his presence.

Dorothy Ulrich's mother, Mrs. Ortega and Susan Seemann's husband Hank were in court.

Witness lists, motions in limine, whether the trial would be 8:30 to noon or full days are all issues being worked before September 28.

Another court date is on September 23 at 4 p.m.

Mr. Glenn Brown asked that one motion that the people are filing on 1101b evidence be filed prior to September 28 so he can respond.

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