May 7, 2015

Defense forensic pathologist bolsters prosecution argument in Ferrer case, saying if Anderson had received medical help immediately, he could have survived

Two forensic pathologists testified for the defense yesterday. The witness on blood alcohol levels, Judy Stewart was very brief and nothing remarkable about her testimony.

Dr. Terri Haddix told DDA Roger Rees yesterday that a person can survive a stab wound to the heart "if the operating room was a 100 feet away. Immediate attention of surgical nature to have a prayer of surviving this wound."

DDA Rees questioned her about her statistics and experience. She herself testified that she had only personally performed about 2500 autopsies and supervised less than another 2500 autopsies others had done. Even if that number was 5,000, it was half of what Dr. Mark Super, the prosecution witness has performed and he was a lot more definitive in his testimony.

She had performed less than 500 autopsies involving stab wounds, maybe as little as 300, and even at 500, by her own statistics that "single stab wounds are unusual" and  "5% or less fatalities" are caused by stabbing wounds, the number would be 15 or 20. By making her do the math and her own statistics, DDA Rees tactic may work with the jury in discrediting her testimony.

In the Bodhi Tree murder case, we heard days and days of detailed testimony by defense expert testimony that did nothing to prove the defendant's innocence. With the exception of Sophie Rocheleau and Nicholas Stoiber who were present with Ferrer that night, all the defense has left now are character witnesses.

 DDA Rees has destroyed Ferrer's credibility, he has poked holes in Rocheleau's credibility and if the trend continues with Stoiber, the defense case is looking very bleak at this point.

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