Jun 26, 2014

Colin Baldridge federal charges take him to Oakland and to be arraigned in San Francisco

Colin Baldridge, who was taken into federal custody on charges of manufacturing with an
 intent to distribute marijuana was in Humboldt County Superior Court today for one case where there was a petition to revoke probation from a 2012 case. The other was a misdemeanor drug offense from May 2014.

His attorney Manny Daskal who also represented him in 2012 said that there is a pre-trial hearing tomorrow on the federal charges and said that he expected Baldridge to be placed on electronic monitoring and asked Judge John Feeney to release the hold on Baldridge.

Based on a conversation with the federal prosecutor, Mr. Daskal said Baldridge will be taken to Oakland and arraigned in San Francisco. His probation was reinstated in the 2012 case and his misdemeanor case was dismissed by Judge Feeney "in the interest of justice."


  1. Hello,
    First I wanted to thank you for your journalism work here in Humboldt Co. The info you provide is much needed in the community for us to be correctly informed on the local issues that arise. I had a quick question. Did you find out if Feeney let Colin Baldridge on house arrest today? If not did they grant bail?. Thank you again!

    1. Diana, thank you for your kind words. His local cases were resolved yesterday. Today the detention hearing was held in Federal Court. He was denied electronic monitoring and will be transported to East Bay.

    2. Thanks John for the info. Would you know why his case was re-opened when he served his time on his 215 charges? I wondering why it hasn't hit the newspapers if it is so serious.

    3. Diana, the newspapers do not follow every case, usually high profile ones or ones that are newsworthy.

      We spoke yesterday at length. Until he is arraigned on the federal charges, some of your questions may not necessarily have answers.

      As I explained yesterday, I do this on my own time. There are several local cases right now and to research and follow up does take time.

      I will do my best to keep you updated.

  2. Where would i be able to attend his trial?

    1. Princess, his trial, if this goes to trial, since it is a federal case, I have no idea until he is arraigned, which has not happened.


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